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How to create or write downloaded ISO files of live CD onto an empty CD?


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Downloaded ISO files, a folder, of gparted-live CD, 451mb, and tried to burn it onto an empty CD, but failed.  Seems that it did not write anything onto the empty CD. No trace of writing on the empty CD. At the bottom of Imgburn, it says, Not Ready (Drive Can't Write inserted Disc).  

Help, please.  How to burn ISO files of live CD onto an empty CD?

Thank you.

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  • Joya changed the title to How to create or write downloaded ISO files of live CD onto an empty CD?

First, check to make sure something was or wasn't written to the disc when you attempted to burn before.  Check Windows/File Explorer and see if there's anything on the disc.  Then, in ImgBurn, go into Read Mode and see if it's Disc Is Empty.


If the disc is empty, then nothing was written to the disc.  So, try again, and check this Guide for instructions:



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Thank you, dbminter.

Have checked just a minute ago, the entire folder of gparted-live ISO files are written on the CD.

I used "Write files/folders to disc" to burn. But the image file on the newly burnt disc is not recognized when the disc is put into the PC to boot. At the beginning of the booting process, it begins to boot the CD, but it dies off after 8 or 10 seconds.
Says on the screen, "CD-ROM Boot Priority...Boot Ready.
Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in Selected Boot device and press a key."

Does it matter if CD is burnt by a different PC?
The CD is burnt on a PC running Windows 10 and the burnt CD is used on a PC running Windows Vista, where the live-CD dose not boot.  Is it because the boot manager of the old PC cannot read the image files on the CD burnt by the new PC, Windows 10? 

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The reason it probably failed was you used Write files/folders to disc instead of burning an image file.  Bootable CD's require a lot more finesse than just copying over the files from a disc.  You need bootable images to inject into the files in order for the CD to boot.  If you have a GPARTED ISO, you need to use the Write image file to disc option from the E-Z Picker and choose the ISO to burn to CD.  If you already have a GPARTED disc you're trying to copy, you want to first use the Read option to read the disc to an ISO image file and then use the Write option to burn the read image file.

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Thank you, dbminter.

"If you have a GPARTED ISO, you need to use the Write image file to disc option from the E-Z Picker and choose the ISO to burn to CD."
Yes, I have the ISO files of gparted-live, 451mb in many folders.
Do you meam there are 2 steps I have to go?
First step, Write image file to disc. This is to write the downloaded ISO files to hard drive disc? Am I right?
Second step, then, choose that ISO files (the ISO files on hard drive disc just made by first step) to burn to CD, to an empty CD. Am I right?

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I got GParted installed on my main machine running Linux Mint as it's nice to have around occasionally for HDD or USB stick etc tweaking/setup once in a while. but since most people won't be using Linux, then using a boot CD with it could be of occasional use.

p.s. but what dbminter said should be the gist of it. just write (Mode > Write (then basically drag-and-drop the ISO into this window, select write speed, write)) the ISO image to a CD and you should be able to boot to it.

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