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No progress


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So, I have had success with using imgburn for PS1 games. However, many of them do not progress past 0% in progress, no issues appear as a hindrance in the log, and then when I try to stop the process it continues as normal without stopping, with the counter continuing, but no progress and also no Operation Aborted. I then have to go into task manager to force quit the program. After doing this I try to go into file explorer on Windows 10 and right-clicking the DVD drive just leads to an unending spinning circle, so I can't eject. Trying to eject manually also doesn't work. Trying to shut the computer down doesn't work. The only thing I can do is hard power cycle the computer with the physical power button and then I can click the DVD eject button to eject the disc. What is going on?

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While I have never seen that behavior you encountered with reading PS1 games, there are certain PS1 discs that can't be read by ImgBurn.  It's a combination of the type of disc itself, the hardware being used, and using ImgBurn.  I've never figured out what the correlation is.  For instance, I know ImgBurn cannot read Mega Man 8.  Both myself and others have had the same problem.


The only solution I came up with for these discs is to read them with Alcohol.  There used to be a free version for Alcohol, but I don't know if there is anymore.

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Well, theoretically, there would be no loss in quality because PS1 games are data.  However, some, I think, are kind of like mixed mode discs, with the audio tracks, music, etc. as Audio CD tracks on the disc.  So, I'm not entirely sure.  "Quality" for PS1 game discs, I would think, would be more measured in the quality of the CD-R's you're using to write the PS1 images to.

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