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Can 'layer break' be used to make a 'flipper'?


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I combined 6 clips into one large DVD of ~8GB size. Ripping, conditioning, and authoring were a pita. So, prior to burning to a good Verbation DVD dual layer, I want to preview my results so far. I used blutach's "How to burn Dual Layer Disks with PgcEdit", which, of course, uses ImgBurn for some of its processing and output. I somehow concluded that 'layer breaks' might be used to flip over a double sided DVD or insert another DVD to burn the complete 8GB ISO. Wishful thinking, perhaps? I also used cornholio's "Creating a double layer ISO on your hard drive using ImgBurn". Both burns failed when the first ~4.7GB were recorded.


No laughing or giggling, now. Can layer breaks be used to fully record ~8GB on 2 DVD5's or flip over on a double sided DVD? Actually, I achieved my goal by being able to see the menus and titles on the first half of the recording.


Layer breaks allow the recorder to switch laser output for the other layer and not to allow switching blanks right?


Comment gently, please.





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Layer breaks allow the recorder to switch laser output for the other layer and not to allow switching blanks right?




If you've somehow managed to split an image into 2 parts - with each part representing what 'should' be a layers worth of data, you CANNOT burn those parts onto different discs. The 2 parts must always be burnt to the same double layer (and I don't mean double sided!) disc.

So basically, there's no point in splitting by layer in the first place!

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Layer breaks allow the recorder to switch laser output for the other layer and not to allow switching blanks right?




If you've somehow managed to split an image into 2 parts - with each part representing what 'should' be a layers worth of data, you CANNOT burn those parts onto different discs. The 2 parts must always be burnt to the same double layer (and I don't mean double sided!) disc.

So basically, there's no point in splitting by layer in the first place!




When I had the realization, I felt foolish. Acknowledging layer breaks in the first place is only to be sure that they're done at some appropriate spot and nothing more, right?


I didn't try to split the image; that wouldn't work with a menu scheme on the first DVD and the rest on another.


The double sided disks I got early on are the epitome of POS. I really wanted to use them for the preview.


ImgBurn worked just as it was supposed to.


Thanks for your quick response.



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