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I have been using ImBurn with no problems until recently when the Device Buffer started fluctuating between 62% to 72% and never going close to 100% llike before. This results in extreme slow burns (sometimes less than 1X). The Buffer is OK at 100%.


I have un-installed and re-installed ImgBurn, checked the DMA, un-installed and re-installed the Storage Controllers using the Device Manager in My Computer without any success. By the way I am running XP SP2.


I also have Nero Express and the same fluctuating buffer behavior and slow burns exist.


Does anyone have any recommendations?

What's your CPU% usage at when burning?

The CPU usage during the ISO burn is very low, but it was low before as well.

Previously with the device buffer close to 100% I was able to get DVD burn speeds up to 12X (once even up to 16X).


The LG drive appears to work well. It performs all other tasks as expected. For example creating the ISO image with Shrink maxes out the CPU close to 97%. The firmware on the LG burner are the latest available.


Not sure what the BIOS check will do.




If it's not CPU related, probably disk.


Have you recently installed anything that would affect disk utilization? Any indexing software, drivers, etc.


I used to see a similar problem when I was burning from a busy file server. Couldn't read the file fast enough.


I have managed to fix the problem.


Once again I un-installed and re-installed the Storage Controllers (both of them) using the Device Manager in My Computer but this time I also un-installed and re-installed the LG drive as well. I did this one device at the time booting up the XP machine after each removal to find and re-install each device.


The device buffer now fills to almost 100% and the burn speeds are as fast as before.


By the way my CPU never gets above 10% utilization and the LG drive can achieve burn speeds over 10X.



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