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Some suggestions


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I would like to suggest some features, that I think would be useful. First Cue/bin support, I'm missing that very often (possibly I'm not the only one). I miss multi session support the most. Is it possible that it will be implemented in the near future?

And the possibility to create folders in build mode would be nice.

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You might try the search function and look for 'multi session'. This has been asked and answered many, many times.

I found only a few topics wich were old. The answers were like:"Maybe one day" Is that day near? :) Will it be implemented in the next version? And when it will be released? In a month, or in a few months?

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You might try the search function and look for 'multi session'. This has been asked and answered many, many times.

I found only a few topics wich were old. The answers were like:"Maybe one day" Is that day near? :) Will it be implemented in the next version? And when it will be released? In a month, or in a few months?


No. Doubtful. What is the meaning of life?

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