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A friend to get this messege after he gett 100 % burning

Close Track Failed DEVICE: [0:2:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4167B DL11 REASON: Program Memory Area Update Failure

Its when he burn with 4X but not on 8X or 16X hes burner is a LG

He use TDK itemcode: dvd+r47pwwcbed25 DIS_ID CMC MAG-M01-00


he can noty verify and the disc is useless.


What to do?

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That error message is just coming up because the drive doesn't like the media and so it's complaining about it.


Tell your friend to get rid of the CMC discs and switch to some decent Verbatim (MCC dye) or Taiyo Yuden discs.

Thanks he has always used verbatim before, but he thougt that TDK was good, but he has discovered that it was shit.

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