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Slower Computer after following advice posted, Reasons?


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Good evening-


I might be off on my reasoning, but even if I am I know that someone here will be knowledgable enough to possibly help me troubleshoot my problem. I came here last night to see how to burn multiple ISO onto 1 DVD. I then downloaded a program called Rarsoft to archive the ISO into folders. After doing this I have noticed my DSL speeds have plummented down. I used to download my ISO at a 700kb/sec clip and now it is down to 35kb/sec clip. I also use to be able to watch streaming video via Flash player with no buffering, and now I can only stream for 4 seconds at a time and then need rebuffering. What may be slowing down my computer? I need help and I know you guys are smart enough to give me some options. Thanks for anything you can give to me.

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When I downloaded winrar my dsl speeds went up :rolleyes:


BT If your in the UK are messing on with 4,000 exchanges, your router if your using one may have synced very low or you may be contended to hell whilst the VC/dslams are being upgraded.


Winrar could never alter your download speeds unless you downloaded it from a very dodgy place and has infected your computer withe some nasty stuff and is using outgoing connections in your computer to take over the world :D

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