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Layer Break w/out chapt better?


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Most DL discs I've seen seem to use a cell for the LB that doesn't have a chapt # assigned. Using DVDA to create my own layout, there's no way to create a cell without a chapt -- guessing that I would have to split a cell in VobBlanker or play with the chapt #s in PgcEdit.


Question is whether it's worth it or not -- does anyone know if there's some advantage to not having a chapter at the LB?



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Using Ifoedit, the cell previously used for a LB doesn't have a chapter number next to it -- when playing the DVD, the next button skips over this cell. I was wondering if this was on purpose, if going to the 1st cell right at the LB could cause some sort of delay or problem, or if it was just the way scenerist or whatever worked?


Probably a dumb question -- sorry - but I try to learn by doing what *they* do. ;?}


Thanks again


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The LB is authored at what studios believe is the best position, having regard to what is on the disk and the aesthetics of the break. It does not have to be at a chapter point, nor is there any advantage or disadvantage. It does have to be at a cell boundary, however. Also at an ECC boundary.


ImgBurn's previewer allows you to see what is best for you visually and place the break where you like. Consider also the seamless option, if your players support this.


Next/Prev behaves differently in different players - software and standalone. Sometime it goes to the next program; other times, the next chapter. I have never seen one that goes to the next cell.



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