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Trouble Burning DVD Copy


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I transferred home video from VHS to DVD. I used ImbBurn to copy the DVD but the copy has two sets of everthing on the orgiinal DVD and I don't know why. Attached is a screen shot showing the contents of the original DVD file. Can someone tell me which files I need to select to get a burn a single copy of this DVD? Thanks.



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2 of everything?!


That screenshot looks normal to me.


An IFO + BUP for each VTS set (with the same name - different extension though obviously) and then some VOBs for those VTS sets.


I think perhaps you're worrying about nothing.



Okay I tried it again and got the same result. The output DVD contains 6 titles. 1,2 and 3 are correct but 4,5 and 6 are duplicates of the first three. What am I doing wrong? I'm so tired of wasting discs.

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get dvd shrink /re author , drag 1,2 3 to left create ISO then burn.


really though the disc's you have done already are fine so you have not wasted them, you just got the titles on there twice ..double the viewing pleasure



Your response was very helpful. Thanks.

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