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Compatibility with Windows Vista


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I'm trying to make a copy of a DVD and everytime I try one, it gives me an error. Before I downloaded this software I read that it was compatible with Windows Vista but it still wont let me use it. Do you have any suggestions? I was using DVD Decrypter before I installed Vista.

Edited by Pembina
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The exact error I'm getting is saying: Unable to create or replace file, Reason: Access is denied!

I thought it might be the movie I'm trying to copy but I tried about 15 of them and am getting the same error everytime.

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I'm saving to my hard drive(C Drive). These arent protected discs, there copies I've already made(off the original movie disc) that Im trying to get another copy off of.

Edited by Pembina
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Ok well the acccess is denied message comes from Windows. So windows thinks you can't save to wherever you're trying to save.


Vista locks quite a bit down so try somewhere else or right click the ImgBurn shortcut and tell it to run as administrator.

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I tried right clicking it and told it to run as administrator and it looks like it's going to work perfectly for me now. Thank you so much for your help. It's bad enough the other burning software I use as well wont work with Vista, but I was going to scream if this one wouldnt either. Thanks again.

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Yeah, 'My Documents' would work - as would a different drive I would think. If you don't have a 2nd drive, maybe you could partition off some free space from C: and make D:


It's that or always running it as admin so you can make files wherever you like.


I guess you could also just edit the NTFS permissions to give yourself 'change' access instead of just 'read' - but if you edit the root, that would filter through to all the other folders too unless you told it not to - and that might not be something you've messed around with before? (probably safer not to ;) )

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Great thank you, the partition part I could do but as for the ntfs permissions thing, I'm not brave enough to mess around with that. Besides my hubby's a computer tech and would shoot me if I messed it up,lol. Thank you again for all your help with this. Now I know what program to recommend to my friends that are upgrading to Vista.

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