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Disk with unsupported format

Hat Be

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I run into a problem with ImgBurn today, (it was OK before), after using DVD Shrink to create an 7GB iso file, and using ImgBurn to create a DVD +D DL, (Memorex brand) everything went fine


When I use Power DVD, to play back, it gave me this merror messages: "A disk with unsupported frmat in drive D:" and can not read the DVD.


I tried it second time, no error during creating DVD, but when I try to play back, I got the same problem.


Could someone please help? These are the logs:


Thanks in advance,


Hat Be





; //****************************************\\

; ImgBurn Version - Log

; Monday, 19 March 2007, 06:58:44

; \\****************************************//



I 23:27:32 ImgBurn Version started!

I 23:27:32 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 23:27:32 Total Physical Memory: 1,016,220 KB - Available: 687,896 KB

I 23:27:32 Initialising SPTI...

I 23:27:32 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 23:27:32 Found 1 DVD?RW!

I 23:27:57 Operation Started!

I 23:27:57 Source File: C:\KILL_BILL_VOL2.ISO

I 23:27:57 Source File Sectors: 3,606,048 (MODE1/2048)

I 23:27:57 Source File Size: 7,385,186,304 bytes

I 23:27:57 Source File File System(s): None

I 23:27:57 Destination Device: [0:0:0] MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-846 FM3J (D:) (ATA)

I 23:27:57 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x)

I 23:27:57 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824

I 23:27:57 Write Mode: DVD

I 23:27:57 Write Type: DAO

I 23:27:57 Write Speed: MAX

I 23:27:57 Link Size: Auto

I 23:27:57 Test Mode: No

I 23:27:57 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 23:27:57 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,803,984

I 23:27:57 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: ECC Block Boundary, VOBU Boundary

I 23:28:29 Filling Buffer... (20 MB)

I 23:28:30 Writing LeadIn...

I 23:28:31 Writing Image...

I 23:28:31 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1803983)

I 00:10:43 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1803984 - 3606047)

I 00:52:52 Synchronising Cache...

I 00:52:56 Closing Track...

I 00:52:57 Finalising Disc...

I 00:53:58 Image MD5: b68cce06c3d175706f2f144a42c53b2d

I 00:53:58 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 01:26:01

I 00:53:58 Average Write Rate: 1,425 KB/s (1.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 1,500 KB/s (1.1x)

I 06:58:40 Close Request Acknowledged

I 06:58:40 Closing Down...

I 06:58:44 Shutting down SPTI...

I 06:58:44 ImgBurn closed!


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I used Ripit4Me then DVD Shrink to create the *.ISO file, everything seems to be OK.


Could you please explain why it is INVALID ISO?


I fixed the DMA issue, and re-burn another one (at 2.4X) but the result is the same: "unsupported format"


Could it be the disk is not "rippabled" or bad media???




Hat Be




Yeah, that's an invalid ISO.


You also appear to have issues with your PC as those 2.4x discs are only burning at 1.0x !

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It doesn't have a valid filesystem - hence nothing will be able to read it.


Tell DVDShrink to output to a VIDEO_TS folder rather than an ISO.


The use Build mode within ImgBurn to burn that folder - as per the guides in the 'Guides' forum.


That should solve your problems.

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Can I ask why you are using DVD Shrink when you are burning to dual layer discs ? You can miss that step out completely and use ImgBurn to build the .iso and then burn it to your DL's


Btw those DL's are not great for longetivity, we only recommend Verbatim DVD+R's for dual layer burns. Finally you might want to get ImgBurn to verify the disc after the burn especially with dual layers, it might give you a heads up on whether those discs are any good with.

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I use RipIt4Me/DVD decrypter to rip the DVD

...then I open DVD Shrink (ImgBurn version) to open the read it from hard drive, then use "Backup" to create an *.iso file

...Then ImgBurn burns DVD DL from that *.iso file.


I normally go thru these steps to back-up DVDs


Is there something I do in-correctly?


Thanks again,


Hat Be




Can I ask why you are using DVD Shrink when you are burning to dual layer discs ? You can miss that step out completely and use ImgBurn to build the .iso and then burn it to your DL's


Btw those DL's are not great for longetivity, we only recommend Verbatim DVD+R's for dual layer burns. Finally you might want to get ImgBurn to verify the disc after the burn especially with dual layers, it might give you a heads up on whether those discs are any good with.

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I use ImgBurn to in Build mode as you suggested and...


It works!



Thank you for all the supports, this is a great forum



Hat Be



Don't get DVD Shrink to make a DL image, it doesn't do the layer break properly.


If you're outputting at DL sizes, just output to a VIDEO_TS folder and use ImgBurn in Build mode.

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