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wierd build error


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Hi, normally I would put this down to a bad disk, but as the described problem happened 3 times in a row(identical)..maybe its something else


I dragged 8 ISO files into IB(build mode) with the intention to burn them all directly to a blank DVD..missing out the usual middle step of creating an ISO and then burning it..


The disk burnt ok,

When I checked in in 'My Computer' I could see the disk label when I right clicked on the disk(to explore) my PC froze and had to cut the power..

On reboot, windows refused to read the disk(no label this time) any attempt to access the disk..windows complained it was corrupt or unkown format(coaster after the fact?)


Maybe because the files were .iso..this confused the software somehow?


Any ideas?


Hmmn just noticed I can now access the disk albiet with 2-3 min freezes anytime I try to access any of the ISO files

Edited by tuk
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do you have a copy of the log please?


each time i had to cut the power..so no log..Im now trying: create a ISO containing a RAR file of the 8 .iso files...then Il burn it using IB..an see if that makes any difference

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do you have a copy of the log please?

Ok, that didnt work..i got the log before trying the disk and also checked sytem logs which shows about 20 incidents of the same cdrom error(see below)...



I 23:34:44 ImgBurn Version started!

I 23:34:44 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 23:34:44 Total Physical Memory: 2,095,532 KB - Available: 1,579,168 KB

I 23:34:44 Initialising SPTI...

I 23:34:44 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 23:34:44 Found 2 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD?RW!

I 23:34:53 Operation Started!

I 23:34:53 Source File: E:\Visual Studio 2005 Pro Edition.iso

I 23:34:53 Source File Sectors: 1,997,018 (MODE1/2048)

I 23:34:53 Source File Size: 4,089,892,864 bytes

I 23:34:53 Source File Volume Identifier: Visual Studio 20

I 23:34:53 Source File Application Identifier: PowerISO

I 23:34:53 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, Joliet

I 23:34:53 Destination Device: [0:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-107D 1.21 (H:) (ATA)

I 23:34:53 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

I 23:34:53 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104

I 23:34:53 Write Mode: DVD

I 23:34:53 Write Type: DAO

I 23:34:53 Write Speed: MAX

I 23:34:53 Link Size: Auto

I 23:34:53 Test Mode: No

I 23:34:53 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 23:34:54 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)

I 23:34:56 Writing LeadIn...

I 23:35:29 Writing Image... (LBA: 0 - 1997017)

I 23:42:06 Synchronising Cache...

I 23:42:07 Closing Track...

I 23:42:12 Finalising Disc...

I 23:42:56 Image MD5: 0f6a78fdb2565cafa707835631480a02

I 23:42:56 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:08:02

I 23:42:56 Average Write Rate: 10,060 KB/s (7.3x) - Maximum Write Rate: 11,552 KB/s (8.3x)



Event Type: Error

Event Source: Cdrom

Event Category: None

Event ID: 7

Date: 07/04/2007

Time: 23:44:28

User: N/A

Computer: K1


The device, \Device\CdRom0, has a bad block.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


0000: 03 00 68 00 01 00 b8 00 ..h...?.

0008: 00 00 00 00 07 00 04 c0 .......?

0010: 00 01 00 00 9c 00 00 c0 ....?..?

0018: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

0020: 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 .?......

0028: ad 24 02 00 00 00 00 00 ?$......

0030: ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 ????....

0038: 40 00 00 c4 02 00 00 00 @..?....

0040: 00 20 0a 12 48 02 00 00 . ..H...

0048: 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 ........

0050: 00 40 d0 88 70 18 c6 8a .@?p.?

0058: 00 00 00 00 70 6e ee 8a ....pn??

0060: 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 ........

0068: 28 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 (.......

0070: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

0078: f0 00 03 00 00 00 10 0e ?.......

0080: 00 00 00 00 11 05 00 00 ........

0088: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........

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choose test mode so you dont waste a disc

Test mode wont help cos no errors are reported during burn its only when trying to access the burnt disk, that there are problems...the wierd thing is..I just tried burning an old tried and tested ISO file which worked fine...maybe its what Im burning thats the cause??????

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Can you use ImgBurn in Read mode and make an ISO of the DVD you're having problems with?

This way we'll see if there are indeed bad sectors.

start read mode



then when cancel is pressed


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Of the 5 coasters: 4 give the above errors but the first disk I burned now gives access to the disk(without freezing)....but when i tried to drag/extract one of the files onto the desktop.. .It starts to copy onto the desktop then I get this:



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Can you use ImgBurn in Read mode and make an ISO of the DVD you're having problems with?

This way we'll see if there are indeed bad sectors.

Read mode failed on that disk(the one that the files can be viewed but not extracted)




please help..this is really starting to annoy

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Forgetting ImgBurn for the moment, are you able to copy these files from the DVD to the HD using Explorer or something as they look like normal read errors to me. BTW, the latest firmware for your drive is v1.22 which can be found here:



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