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Synchronized Cache Failed!


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Hello everyone,


I've been using Decrypter and Imgburn for quite awhile now and have never come across this error until recently. Even after selecting 'Retry' and it states that 'Operation Successfully Completed!', it would not play on my dvd player. I would like to make it clear that this LiteOn LH-20A1H dvd burner, as well as my whole PC, is a brand new setup. Is it a hardware issue? something on my end? or something I can do to resolve this in imgburn? Please advise. Thanks for all the help in advance.





I 17:29:43 ImgBurn Version started!

I 17:29:43 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 17:29:43 Total Physical Memory: 2,095,532 KB - Available: 1,494,188 KB

I 17:29:43 Initialising SPTI...

I 17:29:43 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 17:29:44 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 2 DVD

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Thanks cornholio7, for your swift reply. My drivers are all up-to-date direct from the manufacture after I got my system going. But thanks to you for mentioning the motherboard, I went and opened up the case and switched my 2 dvd burners (connected on the same IDE cable because my board only supports 1 IDE controller) around to 'Cable Select'. The previous was set with my samsung burner as master and this Lite-On as slave. Tested 2 different burns and it worked flawless as expected =). Thanks again for the help and reply.

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It's a custom built rig on a Gigabyte board. And it still indicates scsi. Just thought of something, is it possible that there are 2 burners connected on the same IDE cable, that limits or restricts it somehow? Or perhaps it's something I can change within the bios so that it's indicating ata instead of scsi?


P.S... it's a false excitement. I burnt a fourth dvd and the message came back :/ . Problem unresolved.... any help is greatly appreciated once again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't had the chance to buy verbatims yet, but what I've noticed is that the burning will work fine as long as I don't try to burn more than 2 consecutively. Once I try to burn a 3rd, that message pops up. If it was entirely a media issue, shouldn't it not burn at all? I've tested this 3 times so far with similar results. Also note, all these burns have been from within the same PC uptime. So basically, I burned 2 successfully, waited the next day (with PC still on overnight, cause I rarely turn off my PC at all), and burned again successfully. I'll still try to get my hands on some verbatims when I get a chance, but DVDs aren't exactly cheap now-a-days where I would want to spend unnecessarily. Once I get them, I will update once more. Thanks for advices so far and in the near future.

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