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Imgburns creates random folder in "documents and settings"?


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There was a folder called "Dennis" in my "documents and settings" this morning. I never created an account with that name, so it got me kind of scared.

I scanned and have no viruses or trojans. I found the folder appears when I run imgburn as administrator (I only use administrator rights with runas, my account is limited) and I change the autoplay setting in imgburn's options. I did this once because I wanted to get rid of the "burn with imgburn" option when I right-click an image file (something I failed to do even with shexview btw, annoying).

What kind of nonsense is this creating a new folder there, I thought I had been hacked an someone made a new account! I used the search here and I googled before posting this, nothing.


Edit: What's in that folder is like this... Dennis->Application data->Imgburn->imgburn.log (file). That's everythings that's created.

Edited by sirmartyntf
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It's probably something in the settings.


Perhaps the location of the logs / ibg / ibq files?


It certainly wouldn't just make it for fun!


EDIT: hang on, I remember now, it's from 'DVD Flick' cus the author didn't make the imgburn settings ini file properly!


His name is Dennis :)


Talk to him about it, it's his problem, not mine really.

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Thank you for the quick reply!

I should have mentioned I installed dvdflick in my opening post, my bad. I think I'll try their forum now though (if they have one), because I think creating a folder that looks like a new account profile has been created is not good.


Edit: Btw, is there a way besides removing every registry entry to get rid of the "burn with imgburn" right-click menu option?


Edit2: I guess "EVENTS_SaveLogOnExitFolder=C:\Documents and Settings\Dennis\Application Data\ImgBurn\" would be the offending entry? Although there is more there, pointing to his desktop.

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There are loads that don't need to be there.


He should only really be overriding the ones he NEEDS to set differently to the default ones.


To remove the 'burn with imgburn' options, you just unclick the 'File Association' checkboxes in the settings and close the program down.


If they're still there it's because another program has changed the file association stuff and I've no way of knowing where they are now.

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