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Still dont get build mode (Data DVD)


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Ok, first of all please Dont flame me, maybe i got some concepts wrong. (And sorry my bad english)

I'm trying to remove the existence of nero in my computer, i still use it for data dvd.

All the guides i have read about Build mode are for burning VIEDO_TS folder, dvd video disk. You select the VIDEO_TS folder, imgBurn creates the iso with the video dvd standards, VIDEO_TS folder AUDIO_TS folder and other stuff i guess for creating the video dvd complaint disc.


Any when you are going create a regular data dvd , with tons of stuff, avi's, jpeg, etc etc. imgBurns detects no presence of VIDEO_TS folder and creates a regular data dvd? . Or Video DVD are regular data disc too ?

Because in most programs , creating a data dvd, or a video dvd from video_ts folders, are separate options . And this is where my confusion comes from. because it seems that imgBurns has unified both process


Well thanks in advance

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Thanks for the enlightenment l.uk !!!

I'm going to use imgBurn for data disc from now on.

Loving your program more n more everyday!


Nero uninstalled :)


It is pretty nice isn't it? :thumbup:

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