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I/O Error!


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I just bought some new Verbatim DL DVD+Rs yesterday and successfully burned an image.


Today after work I tried to burn another and I get an I/O Error.


I/O Error!


Device: Lite-On DVDRW SHW-160H6S CS08 (E:) (ATA)


ScsiStatus 0x02


Interpretation: Check Condition


CDB: 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00


Interpretation: Write (10) - Sectors: 0 -31


Sense Area: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 73 03 00 00 00 00


Interpretation: Power Calibration Area Error.


If I click retry it comes back with the same error and if I click cancel it ends after finalizing and nothing gets burnt to the disk.


Sometimes however it will start the burn without the error and about 51% through the error comes up at that point ruining my precious disk.


Occassionally I also get the error can not get exclusive control of the device. Which I think I have solved by completely removing Sonic Media from my computer.


I dont think this is a problem with the media as I use what everyone recommends...Verbatim.


I also dont think its my burner because I am able to read cds/dvds and burn cds and single layer dvds with another program ( I havent tried to burn them with imgburn because I have my settings just as I want them and dont want to change them and cause more problems.)


Maybe its the drivers? The firmware? Gremlins?


Ive tried to update my firmware...however Lite-Off doesnt have updated firmware for my burner. Im actually using a firmware update from a similar Lite-Off burner that has been working great for almost a year now.


I have burnt may DL DVDs in the past always using Verbatim. I just started having this problem today.


I just updated my Imgburn today hoping that would solve the issue. I have reinstalled my burners drivers. I have even contacted HP to have them try some things. Of course its not there product thats the problem...same with Lite-Off...its the software.


If anyone can help me solve this issue I would really appreciate it.


Thanks in advance for everything!!!

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lastnight after just letting imgburn set open for an hour.... i tried another burn....it went thru and burnt using the same disk i was trying before....i got the error


again at the end after 100% completion just before it closed the disk....i waited until morning letting it sit while i slept and this morning retried to close the disk


and it closed.


the dvd works fine. so i tried after work after letting imgburn set open all day...and it got half way thru the burn and gave the error again...ruining another disk.


i will try again later to burn another and hopefully i wont waste another disk.


thanks for all your help...but i cant see how this could be a problem with the burner...i cant say its not the media or the file that im burning or some other conflict however...i just hope that it goes away...lol



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I 23:21:46 ImgBurn Version started!

I 23:21:46 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 23:21:46 Total Physical Memory: 981,484 KB - Available: 549,292 KB

W 23:21:46 Drive D:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size.

I 23:21:46 Initialising SPTI...

I 23:21:46 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 23:21:46 Found 1 DVD

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Either you got a duff batch of disks (unlikely - they are the best there is) or the drive is cactus. Try cleaning it, or failing that, buy a new one. Also, check your DMA.


See http://www.cdr-zone.com/articles/atapi_err...des_page_1.html for an explanation of this error.




i think my dma was bad according to HP the sonic media they installed factory gets corrupted by media player updates. my dma was in there and since i dont use sonic media anyway...i uninstalled and deleted the folder... i did see dmascheduler.exe in there.


how do i go about getting it back? lol


every search comes up with some virus info.


thanks for your help!


btw...if i just let everything sit for awhile i can complete a burn i just have to wait until i get the error...wait longer....then click retry....and it will complete.

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