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Potential WaitImmediateIO Deferred Error - (0/2) - Session Fixation Error

Red Skelton

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Hi all, and thanks ahead for ImgBurn- very useful tool !

The "error" mentioned seems to happen when I create and burn a DVD UDF1.02 compatible "iso", using ImgBurn, from "DVD Decrypter" made files in my hard-disk folder.

-I have attached the log file below.

Now, basically, it fails to "finalize" the DVD-disc at 99%, with the "Subject" error above(see output log below).

-However, when I click the "Retry" button it successfully "finalizes" the DVD-disc and everything is ok, my backed up movie plays fine.?

(I guess since it worked this time it may not be a bug, random glitch maybe?,cheap DVD media ?,just thought if someone else ran into similar it may be my settings or somethin'? )




My Hardware:

WinXP Pro(all updates, drivers,...)

(SATA)Pioneer DVR-212D (Firware 1.21)


DVD Media used: PLAYO 2.4-8X DVD+RDL 240min. 8.5Gig


output log:


I 12:54:54 ImgBurn Version started!

I 12:54:54 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 12:54:54 Total Physical Memory: 2,062,764 KB - Available: 1,649,980 KB

W 12:54:54 Drive F:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size.

I 12:54:54 Initialising SPTI...

I 12:54:54 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 12:54:54 Found 1 DVD±RW!

I 12:55:41 Operation Started!

I 12:55:41 Source File: C:\tmp\firefly1.mds

I 12:55:41 Source File Sectors: 4,092,544 (MODE1/2048)

I 12:55:41 Source File Size: 8,381,530,112 bytes

I 12:55:41 Source File Volume Identifier: FIREFLY_D1

I 12:55:41 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.3.2.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!

I 12:55:41 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn

I 12:55:41 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)

I 12:55:41 Destination Device: [3:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-212D 1.21 (E:) (ATA)

I 12:55:41 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RICOHJPN-D01-67) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

I 12:55:41 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824

I 12:55:41 Write Mode: DVD

I 12:55:41 Write Type: DAO

I 12:55:41 Write Speed: MAX

I 12:55:41 Link Size: Auto

I 12:55:41 Test Mode: No

I 12:55:41 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 12:55:41 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,046,272

I 12:55:41 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc

I 12:56:08 Filling Buffer... (256 MB)

I 12:56:12 Writing LeadIn...

I 12:56:13 Writing Image... (LBA: 0 - 4092543)

I 12:56:13 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2046271)

I 13:04:20 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 2046272 - 4092543)

I 13:14:01 Synchronising Cache...

I 13:14:02 Closing Track...

I 13:14:09 Finalising Disc...

W 13:14:32 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (0/2) - Session Fixation Error

I 13:20:16 Image MD5: 6bea7f4b1c25f271bd67c13ef150cfac

I 13:20:16 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:24:35

I 13:20:16 Average Write Rate: 7,663 KB/s (5.5x) - Maximum Write Rate: 11,206 KB/s (8.1x)






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The 'Glitch' is with your discs I'm afraid. That error is what the drive is reporting, ImgBurn simply tells you about it.


If you must use RICOH DL media rather than the good stuff (Verbatims), at least stick to burning them at 2.4x.


Oh and try the 1.22 firmware when you get a chance.

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The 'Glitch' is with your discs I'm afraid. That error is what the drive is reporting, ImgBurn simply tells you about it.


If you must use RICOH DL media rather than the good stuff (Verbatims), at least stick to burning them at 2.4x.


Oh and try the 1.22 firmware when you get a chance.



hey, thanks for the "Lightning" quick reply,


...and yup those were the cheapest media I could buy and I have had some probs with them now n' then.



thanks again.

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