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Dual-Layer Copies


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I have just discovered ImgBurn as the successor to DVDD … :D (I am very familiar with the latter).


In DVDD, to copy a dual-layer original, I would simply read (create an ISO image) and write directly to a dual-layer DVD.


In ImgBurn, the Guides now discuss setting the layer break …. surely, an ISO image created from the original dual-layer DVD would have the layer break defined within it, so once again it would just be a case of writing the image … or am I missing something?!





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The guides you're talking about are for 'Build' mode.


Ah! Gotcha! By the way, the Build mode is just fantastic .... I have struggled before to effectively add other data to a DVD video, and this mode makes it as simple aa a single button click. Marvellous! :)


If you have an image then you use 'Write' mode - there's also a guide for burning images.


Read & understood


btw, the layer break info is stored in the MDS file, without it ImgBurn has to make it up/ask you where you want it.


I always wondered why DVDD asked for the MDS file ..... without trying it at this late hour, I presume the ImgBurn Read mode creates the ISO & MDS files as before, so the direct write to a dual_layer will therefore work as before.....





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For the MDS thing, ImgBurn goes a step beyond DVD Dec and will actually examine the IFO files etc to locate the layerbreak. So where it was vital in DVD Dec, it's less vital in ImgBurn.


Yup, read and write is the same process it's always been :)


Oops, forgot to mention this earlier (having read your PM etc), thank you for the donation and I'm glad you found ImgBurn eventually ;)

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