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All average LBAs


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Alright, so what do you do when all you get is all average LBAs in the "Create Layer Break Position" window? What criteria do you use to choose a Layer Break Position? (And what's "Padding" btw?)


See also aatched LBAs.png file: which LBA should I choose?


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Use the Preview button and test all of them, young padawan, so that you can choose one where a momentaneous freeze in the picture will be less noticeable (fade-in/fade-out, scene change, etc) :)


Padding is when dummy sectors are added so that the selected layerbreak can be achieved.

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Hmm where are all the other buttons that are supposed to be on that window?!


Padding is where ImgBurn fills up some sectors with 'zeroes' to move the data on the disc to a later LBA.


i.e. if a file normally starts on LBA 10, I could add some padding to make it start on LBA 15.


Padding is required so everything gets aligned properly.


Basically, try to get the split as close to 50/50 as you can whilst picking a Cell that looks ok - use the 'Preview' feature for that and find a cell that's not part of a fast action scene.


The Preview feature should be visible as a button down the bottom left.

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Padding is where ImgBurn fills up some sectors with 'zeroes' to move the data on the disc to a later LBA. [...]

Padding is required so everything gets aligned properly. Basically, try to get the split as close to 50/50 as you can whilst picking a Cell that looks ok - use the 'Preview' feature for that and find a cell that's not part of a fast action scene.

I can't really tell which one looks better or worse--I guess they're all the same fast-paced scenes. Anyway, should I not try to choose a scene as close to 50/50 as I can but with less padding? Does it make any difference, all else being equal?
The Preview feature should be visible as a button down the bottom left.
Yes it is, just somehow it didn't make it on the screenshot.


And thanks for the replies, and for a wonderful piece of SW.

Edited by Aqualung
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If they're all about the same and the camera angle doesn't change as the cell changes, you might aswell go for the 50/50 with the least padding. There's no sense in burning more than you need to.


I take it, then, that I should choose the one where the camera angle changes as the cell changes, right? I found one of those, thanks.


Cheers, and keep up the good work.

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The preview window should help to pinpoint the best place... hopefully you've figured out how best to use it?


It displays 2 cells (unless you're previewing cell 1) and so when you see the 'Cell' marker go from one to the other, you know that's where the layer break is gonna be.


Cell '1' will be the last cell on the 1st layer, Cell '2' will be the first cell on the 2nd layer (i.e. after the slight pause).


So yeah, you want to pick a Cell where if you step back a frame from the start (first) frame of Cell '2', it's totally different. (a different angle / scene)

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