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Pls help with Sony DRX-810UL (DRU-810A)


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Hi everyone,


I'm a newbie in burning DL discs and my very first attempts to burn them failed completely.

I needed to burn a 7.84 GB ISO, so I chose to use a DL disc. I was limited in time, so I had to

use a TDK DVD+R DL 8X DL disc (ID: RICOHJPN-D01-67). Unfortunately, my DRX-810UL

failed to burn 3 of them with same errors as in http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=5876&st=0&p=61654:



I 22:23:36 Writing Image... (LBA: 0 - 4125759)

I 22:23:36 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2062879)

I 22:31:01 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 2062880 - 4125759)

W 22:32:42 Failed to Write Sectors 2198368 - 2198399 - Write Error

W 22:32:42 Retrying (1 of 20)...

W 22:32:42 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write



Every time Write Error happened for different sectors, but always when

writing Layer 1. I tried imgBurn v2.3.2.0 & v2.4.0.0. Last time (of 3) I switched

from SPTI to ASPI, but with the same error.


I know (from reading this forum) that people think that all discs but Verbatim

are considered as 'dodgy', sh%$#^, etc. But when I tried to burn those 'dodgy'

TDK's in my old NEC ND-3520A, it burnt them just fine. I used imgBurn v2.4.0.0,

SPTI mode. And I did it on the same machine with the same set of running



After that I incline to think that the problem may be caused either by my

Sony DRX-810UL or by some incompatibility of the burning software with it.


My questions are:


1. What does 'Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write' message mean (its

part about 'Invalid Address') and what causes it?


2. Has anyone happy owner of Sony DRX-810UL managed to successfully burn

a DL disc in it? If so, what type?


Thank you in advance.


I forgot to add that I upgraded Sony DRX-810UL to fw 2.0f and my NEC to 3.07.

Edited by ankir
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Hi and welcome to the board.


But when I tried to burn those 'dodgy'

TDK's in my old NEC ND-3520A, it burnt them just fine.


That may well be, mostly all media will burn ok once in a while. What we strive for here is excellence in burning, and, as such, we only recommend what we know has proven itself thousands of times over. We know that we cannot make you use what we recommend, but the odds are you have eliminated one more obstacle to your success if you follow our guidance.



'Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write'


Means just what it states, there was an attempt - or several - made to rewrite the data to that particular area and it didn't work.

(And please post a logfile next time.)


Media and various optical drives are discussed in the media and drives section of the forum, take a look and see what we found to be true with your drive(s).

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Just remember that the first error is the real error.


In your case...


W 22:32:42 Failed to Write Sectors 2198368 - 2198399 - Write Error


That's what the drive returned as the error code when it said it failed.


During the burn, the drive is in full control. There's nothing I can do to force it to write to the sectors and there's nothing I can do to make it error out. It either works or it doesn't.


The burn quality is determined by the drive/firmware/media combo and although a disc may burn successfully, you never know (unless you scan it) just how good/bad the actual burn is/was. So whilst your old NEC might have been able to burn those RICOH DL disc, it *might* have been VERY close to failing and you'd never really know about it until it actually goes over the edge and errors out.


Out of interest, have you tried burning them at the various speeds supported by the writer? (in case it offers 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x etc)

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These discs are also sold in Sweden under the name XB/Aone and are pretty cheap. They cost 40% of what a Verbatim DL disc costs.


But it's not only the price that is below Verbatim standard - so are also the burning results. They depend very much upon the burner you have.


Here is a translated list based on various burnings posted in a swedish forum:


NEC/Optiarc AD-7170A@2.4x-1.O3 = (Quality: ca 88%)

BenQ DW1640@2.4x-BSRB = (Quality: ca 90%)

Samsung SH-S182D@4x-SB04 = (Quality: ca 85%)

Pioneer DVR-111D@2.4x-8.29 = (Quality: ca 50%)

Pioneer DVR-112D@4x-1.22 = (Quality ca 85%)

Pioneer DVR-115D@4x-1.18 = (Quality ca 85%)


Good burners for this media: NEC/BenQ/LG/Samsung/Lite-On.

Bad burners for this media: Sony + some LG/NEC/Lite-On/Pioneer.

The scannings (quality %) are done in a BenQ DW1640 BSRB at 8x speed with Nero CD-DVD Speed.





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Hi guys,


thank you for your prompt responses. Let me clarify some issues.


We know that we cannot make you use what we recommend, but the odds are you have eliminated one more obstacle to your success if you follow our guidance.

I'm not against your recommendations. Indeed I appreciate them very much. Thanks!


'Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write'

Means just what it states, there was an attempt - or several - made to rewrite the data to that particular area and it didn't work.

(And please post a logfile next time.)

I'm sorry, English is not my native language, and for me 'Invalid Address For Write' may mean a try to write to an address that, for example, is out of range or something like that.

As to the log file, it was almost identical to the one that I referred to, so I just cut and pasted the fragment that I was interested in.


Media and various optical drives are discussed in the media and drives section of the forum, take a look and see what we found to be true with your drive(s).

Thank you very much! That's really a most impressive source of information about

drives and media I'ev ever seen! Actually I was so naive to think that today I can trust

at least to well known brands... and it turns out to be not true...


Just remember that the first error is the real error.


There's nothing I can do to force it to write to the sectors and there's nothing I can do to make it error out. It either works or it doesn't.

I understand that. I was just confused by that message about Invalid Address. May it make sense to change it to something more clear?


whilst your old NEC might have been able to burn those RICOH DL disc, it *might* have been VERY close to failing and you'd never really know about it until it actually goes over the edge and errors out.

You are absolutely right! I looked at quality of that disc and it's terrible! It seems that Layer 1 is about to die - average PI for Layer 1 ~600 and average PIF ~3!


Out of interest, have you tried burning them at the various speeds supported by the writer? (in case it offers 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x etc)

No. I always burn at 2.4x.

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Hi cynthia, and thank you for your response. It's really interesting!




BenQ DW1640@2.4x-BSRB = (Quality: ca 90%)


The scannings (quality %) are done in a BenQ DW1640 BSRB at 8x speed with Nero CD-DVD Speed.



I know that my Sony DRX-810UL can be crossflashed into BenQ DW1640 and Plextor PX-740 since

all three come from the same OEM. So, it may make sense to turn it into DW1640 just to see if

it helps. And if it doesn't, I can turn it back into DRX-810UL.


Well, now I have something to play with... I only need to find some time to do it...

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