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Trouble burning to CD-RW


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I'm having issues burning any kind of files to a CD-RW using my Sony external rewritable drive. The file gets written to the CD, but when it comes time to verify sectors, no dice. Here is the error message I'm getting. Any help would be appreciated. Strangely, I have no problems burning the same CD-RW(Sony) with the Mashita internal drive that my other laptop has.


I 15:07:45 ImgBurn Version started!

I 15:07:45 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 15:07:45 Total Physical Memory: 523,704 KB - Available: 185,276 KB

I 15:07:46 Initialising SPTI...

I 15:07:46 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 15:07:46 Found 1 CD-R, 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW and 1 DVD

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Try ejecting/reinserting the disc a few times, maybe the drive will initialise it properly.


Check for any available firmware updates for the drive.


You should also perhaps think about getting some new CDRW. New ones would be 24x / 32x rather than 4x.

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Try ejecting/reinserting the disc a few times, maybe the drive with initialise it properly.


Is there a way to turn off the function for automatically cycling the tray?


Yes...Tools/Settings/Device tab and untick the boxes you don't want the tray to eject after what function.

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The option you want to disable is 'Cycle Tray Before Verify' in Tools/Settings/Write tab.


By the way, changing this option doesn't change the fact that your burner doesn't like the old media you're using and will keep doing bad burns on it.

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I'm going to upgrade the firmware on my external burner first and then try new media if that doesn't work. DVD-RW seem to work fine. CD-RW is the only type of media giving me this problem. If all else fails, I'll just stick to the Mashita internal drive when burning CD-RW's.

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Still no luck burning CD-RW with my Sony external. I was unable to open the tray manually as well. It wouldn't let me open it all and just quit before starting the verify process. No updates were available for the firmware either. Should I consider purchasing another burner? I'm thinking that this one just doesn't like CD-RW. All other media such as CD-R, DVD-R and DVD-RW work perfectly. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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I tried some ultra speed CD-RW(memorex) and still unable to verify. Here is the error message. I'm thinking maybe I need to purchase a new external burner. Which do you all recommend?


ImgBurn Version - Log

; Friday, 06 June 2008, 16:38:07

; \\****************************************//



I 16:26:22 ImgBurn Version started!

I 16:26:22 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

I 16:26:22 Total Physical Memory: 2,029,436 KB - Available: 1,287,640 KB

I 16:26:22 Initialising SPTI...

I 16:26:22 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 16:26:23 Found 2 DVD

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Personally I'd have gone for Verbatim UltraSpeed CD-RW's, that's what I use.


Drive wise, go for one of the new Optiarc models or something.


You're probably better off visiting the cdfreaks.com forums and seeing what people have to say about the various new models from different manufacturers.

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