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Just open a DOS Window and run

a command like:


DVRFlash -vf I: R5100004.133 R5100104.133


In this case 'I:' is the DVR drive letter.

The command above will force flash a 105 compatible drive (in I:) with the

Pioneer DVR-105 v1.33 firmware

The command above also works with USB/Firewire drives


If you don't know your drive letter, just run DVRFlash without parameters

and write down the drive letter detected by the program. Then run the

command as indicated above


So open up a DOS window by selecting the window start button and select the option run. In that command line window - type




and you should have a dos window.


Change the path to where you have the DVDFlash.exe and the firmware patches installed. Assume it's in c:\donald


Then type this


cd \donald


then type this:


DVRFlash -vf D: A0812001.129 A0812001.129


and hit the enter button.


The D: is the writer


The first A0812001.129 is the 'original' source file (the one you loaded in MediaCodeSpeedEdit) and the second one is the one you got after running MediaCodeSpeedEdit (the one you saved after applying the change(s))


If you named the files differently - then just use those names instead.



Posted (edited)
  Cynthia said:
Just open a DOS Window and run

a command like:


DVRFlash -vf I: R5100004.133 R5100104.133


In this case 'I:' is the DVR drive letter.

The command above will force flash a 105 compatible drive (in I:) with the

Pioneer DVR-105 v1.33 firmware

The command above also works with USB/Firewire drives


If you don't know your drive letter, just run DVRFlash without parameters

and write down the drive letter detected by the program. Then run the

command as indicated above


So open up a DOS window by selecting the window start button and select the option run. In that command line window - type




and you should have a dos window.


Change the path to where you have the DVDFlash.exe and the firmware patches installed. Assume it's in c:\donald


Then type this


cd \donald


then type this:


DVRFlash -vf D: A0812001.129 A0812001.129


and hit the enter button.


The D: is the writer


The first A0812001.129 A0812001.129 is the 'original' source file (the one you loaded in MediaCodeSpeedEdit) and the second one is the one you got after running MediaCodeSpeedEdit (the one you saved after applying the change(s))


If you named the files differently - then just use those names instead.




I tried to do this typing just what you instructed, but it did not work, I got the black box stating;


The system could not find the path specified


so I tried typing in where I have the files; they are in/ or how I get to them;


click the start menu>my computer> local disc C>in a folder; DVR111D>in another folder; FW129EU>in this folder are; the 2 files, A0812001.129 & the other I named; A0812001_speedpatched bit setting.129


I also have on my desktop;


DVRFlash_v2.1 folder, another folder; DVRFlash_v2.1 in a compressed zip folder, & The white box; DVRFlash.exe


I did not type all this, I just typed in C & then the 2 files, it cannot locate them. It seems no matter how I type the location of where they are it cannot find them.


do I need to move the files? if so where & how? how do I change the path to where I have DVRFlash & firmware patches installed? it seems I have the files, but getting DVRflash to find & execute them is a whole other matter.


thanks for your patience, I have zero experience in this sort of thing, just know how to use the burner, thats about it.



Edited by Sossity

Should be easiest just to create a new folder in Windows Explorer such as c:\killme and copy the DVRFlash.exe and the two bin files into that folder, then just start the DOS window and move to the killme folder and just run the .exe from that place.


If you are in another folder when you start the DOS folder, then just write


cd \killme


and you should be in the killme folder where you have copied the .exe and the two bin files. You can check that the files are in that folder when you are in the DOS window by typing




you should then see a list of the files in that killme folder.

  Cynthia said:
Should be easiest just to create a new folder in Windows Explorer such as c:\killme and copy the DVRFlash.exe and the two bin files into that folder, then just start the DOS window and move to the killme folder and just run the .exe from that place.


If you are in another folder when you start the DOS folder, then just write


cd \killme


and you should be in the killme folder where you have copied the .exe and the two bin files. You can check that the files are in that folder when you are in the DOS window by typing




you should then see a list of the files in that killme folder.



I moved the folders & files to c\killme, & typed dir, & a list came up with the DVRFlash. exe file, DVRFlash_v2.1 & the zipper file DVRFlash file,


what do I do now, it shows them in a list, how exactly ( step by step instructions ) do I get the DVRFlash to do its thing & apply my firmware & patches? I feel like I am close.


I've used the original ver 1.29 and just applied the bit setting on it and saved it as B.129 and zipped the needed files in a folder for you. See the attached file - killme.zip.


killme.zipFetching info...

Just extract the files in this folder and copy them to your c:\ killme folder


then run this from the DOS command window


DVRFlash -vf D: A.129 B.129




A.129 is the original source file

B.129 is the bit set file

  Cynthia said:
I've used the original ver 1.29 and just applied the bit setting on it and saved it as B.129 and zipped the needed files in a folder for you. See the attached file - killme.zip.


killme.zipFetching info...

Just extract the files in this folder and copy them to your c:\ killme folder


then run this from the DOS command window


DVRFlash -vf D: A.129 B.129




A.129 is the original source file

B.129 is the bit set file


thanks for your help, maybe this is not going to work, I tried doing this, opened up the black box & typed in the commands that you said & I got this message;


DVRFlash is not recoginzed as an internal or external command operable program or batch file

  Cynthia said:
Try to use this command instead


DVRFlash -vf D: B.129


I clicked on start>run>cmd>clicked ok then the black box with white lettering opened, typed in what you suggested, & it


read; C:\Documents and settings\SOSSITY>DVRFlash -vf D: B.129

'DVRFlash' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.


C:\Documents and settings\SOSSITY>



Am trying to do exactly as instructed, I hope I did not screw something up, don't know if this helps, some background; running Windows XP home edition service pack 2, on a Dell dimension PC Pentium 4 processor, bought PC system in 2003. maybe something is interfering? has anyone else successfully used DVRFlash program for a pioneer drive? not sure where I am going wrong




Can't you just take the official firmware, run it so it extracts the flasher and firmware file, run the patcher on the firmware + flasher and then flash?


I'm sure I didn't resort to using DVRFlash the last time I tried it.


With the official flasher you don't have to do anything via CLI, you just run it!

Can't you just take the official firmware, run it so it extracts the flasher and firmware file, run the patcher on the firmware + flasher and then flash?


I'm sure I didn't resort to using DVRFlash the last time I tried it.


With the official flasher you don't have to do anything via CLI, you just run it!



I would if I had it or knew where to get it, I was given a link to this roundabout DVRFlasher I followed what other forum members gave me, I often wondered as well if there was a flasher program that could do it more directly, like media code speed, I was given a link to this & it is an actual program with an icon I can click on my desktop & it opens it up like any other software. Could someone help me find the programs & give me step by step instructions on how to get them to enable bitsetting on my pioneer drive? given my history so far in my posts as to how I have saved & messed with all my patch files etc so far, or is this a lost cause? does anyone have or know where the official flasher is? what I was linked to must not be it. I have applied & saved the bitsetting patch in media code speed along with pioneers firmware update, but it is a matter of getting a program that will combine the 2 together & actually apply it/update my drive/burner.


somewhat confused & frustrated,




Have you tried to burn a DVD movie with the latest installed firmware to see if your stand alone player(s) could play it without bit setting the +r media disc?


You might get some more in deep support about a windows flasher that have the latest firmware + bit setting already made in this forum.



  Cynthia said:
Have you tried to burn a DVD movie with the latest installed firmware to see if your stand alone player(s) could play it without bit setting the +r media disc?


You might get some more in deep support about a windows flasher that have the latest firmware + bit setting already made in this forum.




yes, I tried burning my movie & photo files downloaded from my digicam from my external hard drive to a blank DVD+R, & it would not play on my set top DVD player, but my portable DVD player plays all my types of discs. This has been my main goal; to back up my movie file & photo files ( not edited finished from a video editor in DVD-video form ) on the most compatible discs, that will be the most compatible with various operating systems, old & new, PC & Mac, DVD players etc, these are data archive discs, of my content, not finalized DVD videos. I wanted to know what would work best for this; DVD+R or -R,as I was planning to buy some Taiyo Yuden discs for this. I have burned some of my finished edited movies in DVD video form to DVD+Rs & they play on my set top player as well as my DVD portable player, but what I am doing now is data archiving of jpgs, tiffs photos & unedited mpg movie clips, down loaded from my point & shoot digicam.


thanks for your help in this, what would be the best way to ask my question in the CD freaks forum? I have a general idea, but would like a knowledgeable idea so they can help me with just what I need.




That you want a modified firmware + installer for your Pioneer 111D version 1.29 with bit setting function.

  Cynthia said:
That you want a modified firmware + installer for your Pioneer 111D version 1.29 with bit setting function.


I went to the forum you gave the links to & asked your suggested question, & they gave me some other firmwares to flash witrh & I think it worked, I checked a DVD+R disc I just burned after flashing my drive & in the verify disc in image burn, towards the bottom, under last recording session, booktype DVD-ROM, did it do it? I noticed above that there was a bunch of other info about the disc, with book type DVD+R, I assumed that meant what the disc was before it was burned & the other block of info was what the booktype was for the disc after I burned it, & this was the important thing?.


thanks for your help



  Cynthia said:
If you see this in the verify section of the log


W 06:20:57 Waiting for device to become ready...

I 06:21:11 Device Ready!

I 06:21:18 Operation Started!

I 06:21:18 Source Device: [2:1:0] ATAPI DVD A DH20A3H YY11 (E:) (ATA)

I 06:21:18 Source Media Type: DVD+R (Book Type: DVD-ROM) (Disc ID: YUDEN000-T03-00) (Speeds: 4x; 6x; 8x; 12x; 16x; 18x; 20x)

then the book type function worked.



Posted (edited)
  Cynthia said:
  Cynthia said:
If you see this in the verify section of the log


W 06:20:57 Waiting for device to become ready...

I 06:21:11 Device Ready!

I 06:21:18 Operation Started!

I 06:21:18 Source Device: [2:1:0] ATAPI DVD A DH20A3H YY11 (E:) (ATA)

I 06:21:18 Source Media Type: DVD+R (Book Type: DVD-ROM) (Disc ID: YUDEN000-T03-00) (Speeds: 4x; 6x; 8x; 12x; 16x; 18x; 20x)

then the book type function worked.





Current Profile: DVD+R


Disc Information:

Status: Complete

Erasable: No

Sessions: 1

Sectors: 1,806,848

Size: 3,700,424,704 bytes

Time: 401:33:23 (MM:SS:FF)


TOC Information:

Session 1...

-> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 1806847)

-> LeadOut (LBA: 1806848)


Track Information:

Session 1...

-> Track 01 (LTSA: 0, TS: 1806848, LRA: 0)


Disc Control Blocks Information:



Physical Format Information (ADIP):

Disc ID: RITEK-R03-02

Book Type: DVD+R

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 1

Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)

Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,491,711

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0


Physical Format Information (Last Recorded):

Disc ID: RITEK-R03-02

Book Type: DVD-ROM

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 1

Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)

Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,003,455

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0



the items I highlighted in bold is what I got in the window on the right in verify disc part of image burn, I copied the notes directly from the window, this was from a DVD+R disc I inserted into the DVD drive after burning some of my content to it after I flashed my DVD drive. From this, I concluded that the booktyping worked because it shows it the last recored session,( items I highlighted in green & booktype in red ) which I thought would be its properties after it was burned with my newly flashed drive. From The bold words can you tell if it booktyped it right? or worked? I notice my drive is showing in windows as a DVD-RAM & DVR 111L now insted of 111D from before flashing.



Edited by Sossity

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