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Will not burn


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Hi guys,

sorted out the size file issue, now when i actually go to burn the project to disk a window opens and tells me I/O error blah,blah and then a second smaller window opens and tells me that there is a command sequence error?? this is driving me mad, anyway you have all been so helpful i'm sure one of you wise ones knows what this means.. I've included the log to help, All the best C,hed.


I 18:53:07 ImgBurn Version started!

I 18:53:07 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 18:53:07 Total Physical Memory: 227,692 KB - Available: 38,500 KB

I 18:53:07 Initialising SPTI...

I 18:53:07 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 18:53:08 Found 2 DVD-ROMs and 2 DVD

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I don't know why your drive is complaining about a command sequence error but you've obviously got an error in your 'source' configuration anyway, the project is tiny.


I 19:04:48 Contents: 1 File, 0 Folders

I 19:04:48 Size: 143,468 bytes

I 19:04:48 Sectors: 71

I 19:04:48 Image Size: 1,245,184 bytes

I 19:04:48 Image Sectors: 608

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The above log was the wrong one sorry, i was trying something to see if it did the same thing and this file turned to large again but that proplem with dvd flick has come back again, any way it still gives the same error as before, :command sequence error. where would i start to solve this problem???


I 23:13:28 ImgBurn Version started!

I 23:13:28 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 23:13:28 Total Physical Memory: 227,692 KB - Available: 64,004 KB

I 23:13:28 Initialising SPTI...

I 23:13:28 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 23:13:29 Found 2 DVD-ROMs and 2 DVD

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The above log was the wrong one sorry, i was trying something to see if it did the same thing and this file turned to large again but that proplem with dvd flick has come back again, any way it still gives the same error as before, :command sequence error. where would i start to solve this problem???


II 23:13:45 Size: 4,657,258,496 bytes

I 23:13:45 Sectors: 2,274,052I 23:13:45 Image Size: 4,657,840,128 bytes

I 23:13:45 Image Sectors: 2,274,336

W 23:13:59 User accepted disc space warning and is attempting to overburn!

E 23:14:11 Failed to Reserve Track! - Reason: Command Sequence Error

E 23:14:13 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:13

I 23:14:13 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A


DVDflick is making your files slightly to large,thats why it gave you a warning about disc space in ImgBurn.

if there is a setting in dvdflick for the output file size choose the user specified size as opposed to the DVD5 or DVD9 optionand make it 4.2Gb , see if that works. I dont use dvdflick so have never seen the sttings options, but most of this type of program give you 3 basic options, dvd5. dvd9 or user specified.


the oversize problem is still with the program that makes the files and not Imgburn


it "MAY" be that the command sequence error is caused by the large file, but do follow Blutachs advice above and get a better quality media anyway

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