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Posted (edited)

I know there are a lot of burners, but what I consider the best isn't shown.


It's quality scans leave a lot to be desired since it doesn't scan and reads almost anything without errors.



hldtstdvdramgsa4163ba10609janu.png]My Webpage[/url]

Edited by chewy
  lfcrule1972 said:
If you want to send it to me chewy I will see what I can do..... :lol:


Zevia at cdfreaks has some sort of tweak that takes 3 seconds off the time, he won't share it.

When mine dies it will get a full honor guard and 21 gun salute. :& :'(

  lfcrule1972 said:
I would go for a state funeral if I were you...... :P


Imgshack won't host the scan, it scored 97! That's the unbelievable part!

Rare thing for a 16x burn(in my experience)

I've got myself a 4166 to perform the tests with... just need to find the time.


Will also be testing a 4551 (maybe) and a LiteOn 1635.


I am considering the liteon's for a crosscheck scanner, glad to hear LG will be included.

Posted (edited)

benq 1620 burning sony 8x dvd+R @ 12x 7+minutes

nec burns at 12x all had bad spikes ~@ 3gig mark

why does my next best burner have to be my only good scanner?


benq162012xburn0jt.png]My Webpage[/url]

Edited by chewy

Looks like all my scanning with dvdinfo freebie advert comflict waiting to crash will have to be done

on another box which is dedicated and not online!

After the hunt for a better burn with an 8x burn on benq with sony, I started scanning with infopro and saving

graphs etc. All in all I scanned this disk 6 times, 3 with cdspeed, 3 times with dvdinfo. I surfed and answered posts during the first 5 scans, all the cdspeed ones showed a total PIF of ~100, the first 2

dvdinfo showed in the thousands, WTF! I ran the dvdinfo again and didn't surf and got this, must be some

sort of bad conflict between the ads and web pages open. The first 2 dvdinfo showed horrible PIF max's,

but the graph had no large spikes!


8xburnbenq8ut.png]My Webpage[/url]

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