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I am trying to burn some .ape audio files. What is the recommended Direct Show filter? I am attempting to use the RadLight filter and it doesn't work. The error message is "Cannot open file... Reason: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." The file is definitely not being used by another process, and the filter works for playing the audio file in Media Player Classic. Any suggestions? I'll try the DC Bass filter next.


I suggest that the guide to audio CD burning list which Direct Show filters have been tested and which ones work, and which ones don't.






Using RadLight, ImgBurn does tell the total time of the audio CD if it were able to burn.


I tried the DC Bass .ape filter and it failed completely. Didn't give CD time. Couldn't even play the audio in Media Player Classic.


My workaround was to convert everything to .FLAC and burn that. Worked fine. Fortunately I generally don't use .ape.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I installed the Radlight APE DirectShow Filter, but still get the error message: "Cannot open file... Reason: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."


Is there anything else I can do to try to get ImgBurn to burn audio CDs from APE files?

  • 1 month later...
  justsatorn said:
I installed the Radlight APE DirectShow Filter, but still get the error message: "Cannot open file... Reason: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."


Is there anything else I can do to try to get ImgBurn to burn audio CDs from APE files?

I've just ran into the same Problem while trying to burn .ape Files to CD-R (WinXP-32bit, SP3).

After some time, I found out that the only Process using that files is the DirectShow Filter itself.


So I searched the Forums and found that Post by LIGHTNING UK!.

As I just didn't find any reason why the DirectShow-Filter may need to write to the files, I've just thought about simply blocking the files from being opened with write acess.


So I just set all the .ape files to 'read-only' using Windows-Explorer and tried to burn the .cue again.


Guess what, it worked perfectly ! :D


After starting the Burn-Process in ImgBurn, I was just waiting for the Error-Message to pop-up again (have also tested other Filters etc at this Time without any luck), but surprisingly ImgBurn just began to analyse the .ape files and starts burning. :biggrindance:


I don't know if this will also work on other Win OS (why shouldn't it?), but on a 32bit WinXP System this will surely be the simplest Solution for that Problem until LIGHTNING UK! releases a new Version of ImgBurn.






Thank you very much for this great burning App, I rarely use any others. :worthy::thumbsup:


I only sometimes got this Problem (not often):


If ImgBurn is minimised in the Background while burning (Taskbar-Icon shown only) and the burn process is finished, the 'finish...' Dialog is popped-up and after clicking 'OK', the Dialog AND the Taskbar-Icon disappears BUT the ImgBurn-Window is not shown.

This leads to a totaly lost ImgBurn on the System (No Window, no Icon etc) but it's still running fine in the BackGround (ImgBurn.exe is shown on Task-Manager).


Sometimes the Taskbar-Icon is still there, but the App-Window won't open with double-clicking the Icon (had to right-click the Icon and select 'Restore Prog' to open the Window).

But as I said above, sometimes the Icon just disappears after double-clicking on it and then there's no way for me to see the App-Window again (only happens after burning in Background is finished, but not everytime !?).


(it just happened right now, that's why i'm writing this here)

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