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Hi there.


A long time ago I used DVD Decrypt and DVD Shrink to do backups of my favourite movies until I ran out of movies.


I now have a few more new ones that I would like to back up but as usual I would rather use a single layer DVD as they are cheaper and not a great loss if the grand kids destroy them.


This brings me to my question. I have now downloaded a new version of Imgburn to try it out. If all goes as planned, do I still need to use DVD Shrink to make them fit onto a single layer DVD?


Is there anything that you can suggest that I should know or remember as us geriactrics have been know to forget a thing or to over time. :blush2:



ImgBurn cannot copy protected dvd's.



Hi there.


Isn't ImgBurn more or less an advanced DVD Decrypter? That used to decrypt coded movies.



No, ImgBurn is a burning tool.


It's an advanced version of DVD Decrypter's 'Write' mode.

O.K. Thanks, that cleared that up.



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