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No certifcate folder info.


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When I burn a blu-ray backup with IMGburn, there is no info created in the certifcate folder. it was my understanding that if I just drag and drop the BDMV folder into IMGburn in build mode that a valid certificate folder will be created. Well a certificate folder is created but it is empty and my ps3 will not play back the disc. For my newer blu-ray movies that I own it's not a problem becuase I can just drag and drop the original certificate folder into IMGburn along with the BDMV folder and burn it like that and it plays back flawlessly. But if I just include the BDMV folder ther certificate folder that IMGburn creates is empty and renders my backup disc useless. On my older blu-ray movie disc, when I rip them with anydvd hd it ony rips the BDMV folder and an empty certificate folder. I am assuming the reason for this is becuase all of the info needed is in the aacs folder. My newer blu-ray movies it is not a problem because I can just burn both the BDMV and certificate folders with no problem. But since IMGburn is not creating a valid certifcate folder for my older backups how do I get them to burn properly for my ps3.


One thing I failed to mention and maybe the author of this wonderful software can answer. When I add the BDMV folder to my burn, I have just been including the whole content of the BDMV folder and justthe main MT2S file in my stream folder. This works when I add the orginal certificate folder from my rip. Could that be why the Certificate folder is empty, is because I did not include all of the MT2s files in the stream folder. That is the only change I have made to the files.

Edited by das7771
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I wasn't aware the certificate folder needed anything in it.


I don't pretend to know all the in's and out's of BD burning, there are better forums on the web for that kind of talk.


Feel free to pop back when you have some concrete info to share. :)



So far from my trials over the past couple of days. In order for my blu-ray backups to play in my ps3 the disc must contain the BDMV folder which is a given, and the Certificate folder with it's included contents. I have yet to get a disc to play with the BDMV folder and an empty Certificate folder. I will do more research and report what I find.


Keep in mind this is my experience when playing backups in my ps3 I do not have any other Blu-ray players

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