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select multiple folders when browsing for folders?


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Hi, all,

Everybody's doing such hot stuff, burning iso images and games and so on. I'm just doing boring old backups. In build mode, when I browse for files to add to a project, I'm able to shift-click or ctrl-click within the little browser window to select and add several files at once. But when I browse for folders, neither shift-click nor ctrl-click works; I have to select and add folders one at a time by going through the whole browse process once for each folder I want on the CD. A small issue, you may think, but the b/u disk I just made had 37 folders in the root. What am I doing wrong here?


This concerns v. on XP SP3. I've installed ImgBurn on two different PCs to be sure it isn't some strange Windows issue. I've also checked the FAQ and the guides on this site but I could have overlooked something. Thanks to anyone who knows the answer--I'm prepared to feel silly when you tell me.

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