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The writing speed is not the same as the writing rate


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Good Morning. I'm trying to record 1x on my recorder and the writing speed I want appears, but the writing rate is not the same, it is always 3.5x. Why? Does this mean that I am recording at 1X but in fact the unit will read 3.5x?
Note: When I record at other speeds this also happens.



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What you set and what you get are not always the same.  Discs are rated for minimum and maximum write speed strategies, determined by the flags on the discs themselves and the firmware in your drive.  The bottom line is, you may have 16x write rate, but not get 16x.  And, the opposite also happens.  You may get a write rate set to a slower speed, but only the minimum allowed speed is used for that media/firwmare combination.

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