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Everything posted by alan1476

  1. All you pleople complaining about the crapware, there is a freeware program called " Unchecky" google it. It automatically chooses for you not to install the crapware.
  2. I wish I would have seen this thread before I posted in the bugs forum, sorry about that.
  3. I have Windows 10 Pro and in my Imgburn logs it detects Windows 10 as Windows 8.1. Is this a bug or is it just my computer?
  4. It is absolutely awesome LUK, your dedication is unequaled. I thankyou.
  5. Thanks LUK, it just keeps getting better and better.
  6. Thanks LUK, I appreciate all your work. Thankyou.
  7. Happy Birthday Locoeng, enjoy yourself, and have many more happy ones.
  8. Happy Birthday Cynthia.
  9. Try turniong down your write speed a little, I see you have it set at Max, sometime the media cannot sustain these speeds. I am running SP3 with no issues at all.
  10. Thanks LOCOENG. I love this proggy and I thought I might be able to learn something or two, maybe give a helping hand also.
  11. Not sure they look wrong. I have the same 'empty' drivers list in my Vista. Same Cynthia, my filter list looks similar also.
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