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Everything posted by eSkRo

  1. if people would donate to LUK! we wouldnt see any toolbars....
  2. if people would donate to LUK! we wouldnt see any toolbars....
  3. uhm, we only offer imgburn support...
  4. on remove-malware forum, someone said: i thought that was funny CDBurnerXP
  5. you need to install windows inside VMWARE... so u need an iSO of a Windows iNstall Disc.... Not an iSO of your Hard Disk....
  6. whats your AV ?
  7. Drives need cleaning just like your clothes/car/room
  8. yes indeed! read here again --> http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  9. 1- Buy and use a DVD LENS CLEANER on your burner,,, Dust it Off... 2- Try burning your current media at all of the write speeds your drive says it supports for that MID (look in the disc info text on the right of the main screen to see what they are).
  10. Make sure you include a copy of the program's log in your post. No log =
  11. #1- ImgBurn is free,,, so you got Scam'ed #2- PS3 games aren't worth copying since you cant play them afterwards....
  12. LUK! already said that SLiM drive sucks deep.... now only thing remaining is contact Tech Support,,, and pray for a response....
  13. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=14321&view=findpost&p=115883
  14. try their Firmware LiveUpdate software,,, Download here --> http://www.samsungodd.com/eng/Firmware/Liveudpate20_Eng_Install.exe
  15. and if that doesnt work, look at this here --> http://www.samsungodd.com/eng/Firmware/FWDownload/FW1.htm looks like a One Click Firmware Upgrade made by Samsung,,,,, try it out!
  16. try this firmware --> http://www.station-drivers.com/telechargement/samsung/TS-L633M_SC01.exe
  17. Mac OS? Nooooooooooo will that "Change Book Type" do anything in this situation? Noooooooooooo
  18. Glad to hear it!
  19. eSkRo

    Ask.com not bad

    well, glad u like it
  20. how weird... try this go in write mode,,, then
  21. or, you can go here --> http://tinypic.com/ and upload the file of the screen shot there and then give us the link to view it here!
  22. theres not much u can do quite frankly... burning successfully is a matter of Media/firmware/Burner combination,,, at least then, 1-install the latest Firmware for your burner --> Here! 2-then buy and use a DVD Lens Cleaner on your Burner --> Here! 3-Try burning your current media at ALL of the write speeds your drive says it supports for that MID (look in the disc info text on the right of the main screen to see what they are) if all of this doesnt work,,, buy VERBATIM
  23. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
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