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Everything posted by linx05

  1. Sounds fake. Just like when my dim-witted mate said to add sugar to chips when cooking, that way it will taste just like Maccas chips.
  2. Heh reminds me of a story my old neighbours told us. The put a whole lot of Cane Toads into a wheel burrow and poured petrol all over them. Lit a match and threw it in. A lot of them got out and hopped into the bushes lmao. Had to call the firies if I recall correctly
  3. Damn, a bit late. Happy Birthday mate! I hoped the beer ran long and cold!
  4. lmao! But how is that pronounced over in Korea?
  5. lmao First time I have ever read a male blonde joke!
  6. This should be left to other programs. ImgBurn is an Image Burner .
  7. Things have changed since I've been here last. Nah, I want to burn something that will be of use to me. I need to get some more ram and then the burning will start!
  8. That's Tops!!! I got most of the IT staff fired at my school. I was pretty chuffed about that.
  9. Thank you very much. Only problem is I have nothing to burn . So sad.
  10. Wow never knew that about DVD Shrink!
  11. We had the biggest storm last night. Was driving to a friends place and I couldn't even see my cars bonnet (yes it was still there ). Trees in houses, power lines down etc. It was big. Had channel 9 hover over our place in their helicopter filming my neighbours. If they filmed it right, I should be in the footage looking over the fence
  12. Wow. It's been that long? This is the place where I've learnt most of my DVD knowledge. If not here, on other forums from posts from you regular people.
  13. I just saw the trailer. Man is it bad! I'll try to look for a torrent.
  14. Playing around with it now, looks really nice. I'll make sure to recommend it to my friends. And when I get my credit card, give you some donations
  15. linx05


    I use Maxthon, which uses the IE engine. Love it to death. I use to have Firefox has a secondary browser. But once Opera went free, it got put to the side. Finally I had a go of this new version. It appears a lot smoother. The menus, the configuration dialog - much faster. Especially when you click Ok to save what you have changed. But, the amount of resourses it uses is just stupid. I want a browser which uses less than 15mb, not 80+. So with that memory leaks still there, I uninstalled it again.
  16. Those houses look very familiar. Might live near you
  17. Hahahahahahahahaha ... Hahahahahahahahahahaha
  18. Hahahahaha. That's so cool
  19. linx05

    copy protection

    AVs are now adding the rootkit to their virus definitions . So after a while, most of them should be removed.
  20. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&show...findpost&p=2118
  21. Are you serious! I never really looked at the brand I bought (since I never had problem with it). I looked at the log today in ImgBurn and saw this: Dang! Looks like I'll have to find a new brand...
  22. I could have sworn this was posted in the old forum. Never the less, it got me here quick
  23. Could we get a few skins in here please?
  24. linx05

    It's back!!!!

    It isn't exactly the _same_ program. But I am happy LUK is back.
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