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Everything posted by Steve100

  1. Just trying to help. Why not on-line ?, cheaper than buying from a high street shop. Steve
  2. Hi just do a google for Verbatim dvd,s there are 100,s of UK suppliers Steve
  3. Which is why I suggested removing antivirus progs and see if imgburn works then put the progs back one at a time to find which one causes the problem. The un compressed version of imgburn works OK, great but dosn't solve the main problem Steve
  4. I agree with you, I run AVG, Spybot and no problems, however I did run Mcafee and got alsorts of problems such as progs not working.
  5. Do the usual, disconnect from the net and remove all your antivirus progs, try imgburn and if it works, put the antivirus back one at a time Steve
  6. Now that is what I call silly, admitting to such illegal activities
  7. the idea to install imgburn on another computer that has a dvd drive is to prove if the problem is with the drive on YOUR computer. Also make sure that you use good disks, Verbatim or TY, a lot of cheap disks will not be written to or read by some drives
  8. Takes all sorts. IMGburn works fine for me on win XP, Vista on PC,s and laptops inc Dell machines. The only problem was down to me being not sure about a certain function Steve
  9. OK, If you have tried all I suggest, the a deeper look is needed Ccleaner nothing really it is just to make sure that you have a fairly standard OS without any add on,s.
  10. What I would do is make sure that Iam not connected to the net then remove all my antivirus stuff and Ccleaner, the see what happens if all is OK start putting the progs back one at a time until you find the one causing the problem.
  11. Make sure the path in the icon points to were the exe file is.
  12. Can you not use a DL disk ?
  13. Iam in the UK and I bought an external USB enclosure fitted with a 116, and it works fine with all the disk,s I have tried so far both CD, dvd sl and dvd dl, it cost me
  14. depends on how much you want spend, you get what you pay for Just stay clear of Lite-On
  15. I have a Pioneer 116 and it seems fine with almost any disc I throw at it
  16. Try reducing your burn speed to 2.4 and use decent disks...
  17. Steve100


    we don't/won't discuss issues like this in this forum
  18. Don't forget Win 7 is BETA and bound to have a few problems If Imgburn works OK in XP, the it has no problems. I run it on both xp and Vista, all works fine
  19. You may find if you are using MP3,s that it goes alphabeticly so song 2 may say start with an A
  20. Yes a plug in card, no use just plugging a usb 2 into a usb 1 port
  21. I take it you have a disk in the drive. You don't hae much memory left do you ?
  22. It does, just make sure that you use quality dL disks
  23. yes further investigation has shown that when I run the dvd I have the option to play in widescreen or normal, widescreen is title 1 and causes the problem Title 2 is normal and plays fine all the way through. So looks like I can only play in normal which of course has the picture in the middle of the screen. The origional is a region 1 which I have used dvd ghost to make region 0 and copy the files to video_ts Steve
  24. yes strange. It only happens with using title one title 2 works fine. I get the normal burn successful tones and it verifies OK. I tried 3 different pc,s with different burners, all do the same. Is it possible to delete some of the title files before burning. I admit I have only tried playback on a pc, will try it on my dvd player and advance the chapters to were it stops Steve
  25. Getting there slowly. Another small problem When I play a dvd made with imgburn it locks at a certain chapter, strange part is if I look at the list in WMP it shows 3 marked tiitle, ie 1,2,3 This problem only happens in title 1 at chapter 19 I have tried a few players and same thing happens Stuff on single layer 4Gb disks are fine. Why are there 3 titles shown Steve
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