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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. I've noticed that regardless of the drive and software, it seems that 12x rated CD-RW only burn at 10x. So, are they really 10x CD-RW's?
  2. I sometimes miss the obvious. There's an Open drop down menu on the Windows Explorer top bar. Windows Photo Viewer is one of the options available even though I have VuePrint set as my default graphics viewer. I can then use Photo Viewer's Print option to print to 4 x 6 size.
  3. I'm not an expert, but as far as I know, there is no way to return a formatted disc to unformatted status, sorry. Like it was with floppy disks. Once formatted, they were formatted. The best you could do is format them again to remove any existed data. So, with DVD+RW, I would say the same thing: the closest you could get would be to fully erase the disc and remove the contents. As you say, though, that's not an option in your case. Which is a weird condition. I don't believe I've ever come across any drive that would only accept unformatted discs to write to. Then again, it is a Sony product and Sony products have really gone downhill in quality over the last 5 years or so. Have you tried any other software to see if it's just ImgBurn that does this? If any other software will accept those formatted discs, then, the problem could be something that LUK might want to look into.
  4. I know enough to have edited my own Registry to export keys to automatically set my Start Menu and Desktop to a location other than C: so the data stays live.
  5. That doesn't work because I use Vueprint. It just opens Vueprint for each file in a new instance. That way you describe apparently only works if you have Windows Photo Viewer as your default image application. I know of no way in Vueprint to print more than 1 image to a single piece of paper. I'll just use the Windows Photo Gallery. As I said, it's very blunt, but, at least it does the job and does it for free.
  6. No, I asked specifically for a freeware program.
  7. Well, I actually tried hooking up the camera via USB and testing out Photo Gallery. It's okay. It lets me print at letter size, which is apparently 4 x 6 as I thought. 2 of them fit on a standard printer page of paper. Photo Gallery isn't exactly subtle. I have to manually delete the images that are imported otherwise C: would fill up with images. I don't use the default Windows locations for that reason. When you restore Windows, and you WILL restore Windows you only get data that is accurate at the time of the image.
  8. That doesn't help me. I don't use Windows default applications to view images. I use Vueprint. I tried the Windows Live thing but I never saw a way to import files into it except by connecting my camera to the device. I didn't try beyond that, which means I didn't try!
  9. I need some recommendations for a freeware photo printing program. Basically, all I want to do is print standard sized photos out of the JPG's my camera saves images as. Also, I'd like to be able to fit how many of those standard size photo will fit on a page and print them out all at the same time. I've no idea what a standard photo size is. 4 x 6? I've been manually changing my printer to 4 x 6 paper but I only know how to get 1 image at a time on the page. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. The -profile switch does what I need Firefox to do for my purposes. Thanks!
  11. Well, I played around with Windows 8 Consumer Preview and will offer my latest opinions and observations. First off, ZoneAlarm 9 does not work with it at all. It won't even install. It returns the weird error to install "Microsoft Windows Service Pack (SP 1)." Not even which version of Windows to install it for, especially since there is no service pack for Windows 8 yet as it's not even released! ZoneAlarm 10 also doesn't work. It installs, but Windows 8 returns that it's got compatibility problems and never stops "initializing" when run after installation. This is on ZA, so, an updated version will need to be made before or shortly after Windows 8 ships. My opinions stated before on Windows 8 are still valid. I think Microsoft will have an epic FAIL on Windows 8. Getting rid of the Start menu is a dumb idea. 17 years go, they forced everyone into using it and Windows 8 offers no viable option to replace it. I waited until I got a new PC with Windows 95 on it and thus be forced into using the Start menu. So, I won't get Windows 8 unless they restore the Start menu in a future service pack or until I'm forced to use it on a new PC. I will even still see if I can install my Windows 7 installation DVD on any new system to see if that's a viable solution before I ever switch to Windows 8. Microsoft is only shifting over to touch screens so they don't have to write different versions of Windows. It's okay to add touch screen functions, but not to replace the standard interface with it. Plus the dumb decisions in Windows 8. Like that splash screen that starts when Windows starts. You have to click down, hold it, and move it up to get rid of it before you can log into Windows. What the fuck is up with doing that? What in the HELL does that splash screen do other than a useless extra step to access the log in prompt that you need to access first to start Windows?!
  12. I received a reply to my review of Verbatim CMC CD-R's I left on Amazon.com. He told me I should have kept them! He said they were the only good CD-R's for overburning. I've only overburnt a handful of CD-R's; the only manufacturer I remember on those burns was my Taiyo Yuden CD-R's. He's welcome to have his precious junk CMC's!
  13. I want to set a localized directory on my live data partition and point Firefox to it. That way, I don't have remember to copy the data, install on a new system or restore Windows partition, delete all files in the randomly named directory, and copy the files over into the new randomly named directory. I can just change one setting and be done with it.
  14. On Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64 bit installation, Firefox installs its session/profile information in a randomly generated folder name under C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles. Is there an option that can be changed in Firefox to point this folder to a different location?
  15. Speaking of the SPTD, does Slysoft's Virtual CloneDrive also install it? I had Alcohol 52% installed on my system, which I know uses it, then uninstalled it in favor of VCD. ImgBurn still returns the log line about SPTD, so, I guess the driver is also installed by VCD. But, could it be left over from Alcohol? Does anyone know for sure? Thanks!
  16. And, this wasn't entirely a waste of time. I replaced Alcohol 52% with Slysoft's virtual drive software. I never did like how deep Alcohol buried itself in the system. It caused problems in the past with older versions of ZoneAlarm, requiring workarounds.
  17. Well, it's software, you know. They have errors that show up on some systems but not others. No one else seems to have the problem with ZoneAlarm 10 failing to let Firefox open. I once had an entire PC I had to return because it was so messed up in some unusual way that you could not have a shortcut on the Desktop that started with the letter S. And, since it appends Shortcut To shortcuts unless you change this setting, you can see why it had to go back. Also, I hate to nitpick, but, showing me those pictures does not prove it works. You can't show me proof it works unless you get some kind of capture software to capture the software asking you for permission. Your pictures just show me where the option is and what it does.
  18. Well, I'm done testing this shit. Too much juggling of partitions to get no results. The only solution: use ZoneAlarm 9. I'm tired of testing ZA 10 only to get it to sometimes work and sometimes not. ZA 10 is just plain fucked up and I won't test anymore until new versions come out, most likely skipping 10 entirely and going straight to ZA 11.
  19. I restored my factory default partition, made the necessary setups, uninstalls, and installs, and Comodo does NOT ask for allow or deny on the Dell XPS 8300 PC. So, it doesn't "work."
  20. Well, I tried it again and it worked in Virtual Clone Drive this time. Go figure. DVDFab's virtual drive would not mount it. It says it cannot mount the .DVD file.
  21. I tried creating a .DVD file from files made as .MDS but DVDFab would not mount it. Neither would Virtual Clone Drive. Said could not mount. I even mounted the MDS in Alcohol and read the Alcohol virtual drive to image files with ImgBurn with .DVD set to be created. It still wouldn't mount it.
  22. Yep, same problem with DVDFab's application. Does not support MDS. As long as I need to split image files in ImgBurn, which I need to do, these applications won't work for me as I require MDS support.
  23. Now I remember why Virtual Clone Drive was inappropriate. It does not support MDS files. MDS files are a critical component of ImgBurn when splitting files. I'll bet DVDFab's application was the same problem with it.
  24. Either something works or it doesn't. Comodo works for you; it doesn't work for me and I'm the more important one that matters. I even restored back to the disk image I made after installing all my software and setting all my settings and Comodo still never asked to allow or deny access to any of my 4 test applications. Just to put it to rest I'll restore to the factory default partition, install Comodo, set the Custom Policy and install Firefox and see what happens. I tried both of the apps you mentioned and my memory is they didn't cover certain file extensions/formats that Alcohol did. I know I've tried them because the Google links that returned for the search terms of the app names had been clicked before.
  25. I'm not an idiot! There's only ONE option that can be set to Custom Policy. I set it again like I set it before and it NEVER asked me if it should allow or deny any of the 4 test programs that access the Internet.
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