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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. You said your source file was a 2.2 GB MP4 file. That would indicate to me the VIDEO_TS output for a DVD would be greater than a DVD-5. Plus, that last screen mentioning cells and layer breaks only applies to double layer DVD's. Well, DVDFlick shouldn't be installing ImgBurn itself unless the author of ImgBurn gave his okay. But, to find the ImgBurn log, open ImgBurn (How you might do that with how ImgBurn is installed on your system, I don't know.) and under Help you'll find an entry for the Log. This opens the folder where the Log is stored. Open this .LOG file and find where in the Log the burn failed. Copy and paste everything related to the burn and, if it got that far, the Verify of that burn.
  2. Well, those are different errors for different things. You apparently had a double layer DVD image, which explains the first and last images. Because you had a double layer DVD, you should have selected the MDS file instead of the ISO file for burning. ImgBurn is just telling you which file you should have loaded and loaded it for you. The middle screen is an indication your drive did not like the discs it was burning to. The DVDFlick log won't do much good here. We need the ImgBurn log of the burn that generated the 2nd image. The 3rd image is because the disc failed to burn or you cancelled the burn and ImgBurn is asking if you still want to close the session/track/disc on the DVD. In both cases, you can probably generally skip it because the disc generally won't be playable at that point. The last screen indicates the double layer DVD image file contents were too large to find a good layer break position. Technically, that DVD probably shouldn't have played at all.
  3. Usually, every year I offer some kind of cynical song lyrics to showcase my feelings for the Christmas holiday. But, I've pretty much run out of them by now. However, I did remember this spoken word piece. A take on The Twelve Days Of Christmas called Christmas Countdown by Frank Kelley: Thank you very much for your lovely present of a partridge in a pear-tree. We're getting the hang of feeding the partridge now, although it was difficult at first to win its confidence. It bit the mother rather badly on the hand but they're good friends now and we're keeping the pear-tree indoors in a bucket. Thank you again. Yours affectionately, Gobnait O'Lúnasa Day Two Dear Nuala, I cannot tell you how surprised we were to hear from you so soon again and to receive your lovely present of two turtle doves. You really are too kind. At first the partridge was very jealous and suspicious of the doves and they had a terrible row the night the doves arrived. We had to send for the vet but the birds are okay again and the stitches are due to come out in a week or two. The vet's bill was £8 but the mother is over her annoyance now and the doves and the partridge are watching the telly from the pear-tree as I write. Yours ever, Gobnait Day Three Dear Nuala, We must be foremost in your thoughts. I had only posted my letter when the three French hens arrived. There was another sort-out between the hens and the doves, who sided with the partridge, and the vet had to be sent for again. The mother was raging because the bill was £16 this time but she has almost cooled down. However, the fact that the birds' droppings keep falling down on her hair whilen she's watching the telly, doesn't help matters. Thanking you for your kindness. I remain, Your Gobnait Day Four Dear Nuala, You mustn't have received my last letter when you were sending us the four calling birds. There was pandemonium in the pear-tree again last night and the vet's bill was £32. The mother is on sedation as I write. I know you meant no harm and remain your close friend. Gobnauit Day Five Nuala, Your generosity knows no bounds. Five gold rings ! When the parcel arrived I was scared stiff that it might be more birds, because the smell in the living-room is atrocious. However, I don't want to seem ungrateful for the beautiful rings. Your affectionate friend, Gobnait Day Six Nuala, What are you trying to do to us ? It isn't that we don't appreciate your generosity but the six geese have not alone nearly murdered the calling birds but they laid their eggs on top of the vet's head from the pear-tree and his bill was £68 in cash! My mother is munching 60 grains of Valium a day and talking to herself in a most alarming way. You must keep your feelings for me in check. Gobnait Day Seven Nuala, W e are not amused by your little joke. Seven swans-a-swimming is a most romantic idea but not in the bath of a private house. We cannot use the bathroom now because they've gone completely savage and rush the door every time we try to enter. If things go on this way, the mother and I will smell as bad as the living-room carpet. Please lay off. It is not fair. Gobnait Day Eight Nuala, Who the hell do you think gave you the right to send eight, hefty maids-a-milking here, to eat us out of house and home? Their cattle are all over the front lawn and have trampled the hell out of the mother's rose-beds. The swans invaded the living-room in a sneak attack and the ensuing battle between them and the calling birds, turtle doves, French hens and partridge make the Battle of the Somme seem like Wanderly Wagon. The mother is on a bottle of whiskey a day, as well as the sixty grains of Valium. I'm very annoyed with you. Gobnait Day Nine Listen you louser ! There's enough pandemonium in this place night and day without nine drummers drumming, while the eight flaming maids-a-milking are beating my poor, old alcoholic mother out of her own kitchen and gobbling everything in sight. I'm warning you, you're making an enemy of me. Gobnait Day Ten Listen manure-face, I hope you'll be haunted by the strains of ten pipers piping which you sent to torment us last night. They were aided in their evil work by those maniac drummers and it wasn't a pleasant sight to look out the window and see eight hefty maids-a-milking pogo-ing around with the ensuing punk-rock uproar. My mother has just finished her third bottle of whiskey, on top of a hundred and twenty four grains of Valium. You'll get yours! Gobnait O'Lúnasa Day Eleven You have scandalised my mother, you dirty Jezebel, It was bad enough to have eight maids-a-milking dancing to punk music on the front lawn but they've now been joined by your friends ~ the eleven Lords-a-leaping and the antics of the whole lot of them would leave the most decadent days of the Roman Empire looking like “Outlook”. I'll get you yet, you ould bag ! Day Twelve Listen slurry head, You have ruined our lives. The twelve maidens dancing turned up last night and beat the living daylights out of the eight maids-a-milking, ‘cos they found them carrying on with the eleven Lords-a-leaping. Meanwhile, the swans got out of the living-room, where they'd been hiding since the big battle, and savaged hell out of the Lords and all the Maids. There were eight ambulances here last night, and the local Civil Defence as well. The mother is in a home for the bewildered and I'm sitting here, up to my neck in birds' droppings, empty whiskey and Valium bottles, birds' blood and feathers, while the flaming cows eat the leaves off the pear-tree. I'm a broken man. Gobnait O'Lúnasa
  4. If you have an ISO already, you can skip the Read step altogether. Just use Write image file to disc.
  5. The reason it probably failed was you used Write files/folders to disc instead of burning an image file. Bootable CD's require a lot more finesse than just copying over the files from a disc. You need bootable images to inject into the files in order for the CD to boot. If you have a GPARTED ISO, you need to use the Write image file to disc option from the E-Z Picker and choose the ISO to burn to CD. If you already have a GPARTED disc you're trying to copy, you want to first use the Read option to read the disc to an ISO image file and then use the Write option to burn the read image file.
  6. First, check to make sure something was or wasn't written to the disc when you attempted to burn before. Check Windows/File Explorer and see if there's anything on the disc. Then, in ImgBurn, go into Read Mode and see if it's Disc Is Empty. If the disc is empty, then nothing was written to the disc. So, try again, and check this Guide for instructions:
  7. Is there any way you can and you're willing to recreate this issue and capture a screen shot of the error message window, if there is one?
  8. I believe the Playstation 1 also couldn't read CD-RW and it was relatively at the same time as the Dreamcast.
  9. That's something I didn't think of. On drives that don't auto cycle, ImgBurn will pop up a window saying to manually insert the tray. This window pops up relatively instantly after the tray is ejected. So, there shouldn't be any time for the user to reinsert the tray before the Verify starts.
  10. Discs are finalized before Verifies. Otherwise, there is no data. But, if you're getting Verifies that won't start on this laptop but you take those discs to another computer and Verify starts, then the discs are finalized. As to the root issue posted about, I can't see what might cause that. Particularly why the disc won't be recognized even after restarting the laptop. I doubt it would help, but you could try changing the I/O Interface in the Settings and see if you get better results.
  11. The only problematic thing I can see right off the bat may be this line: I 07:03:06 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: OTCBDR-002-000) I've never heard of that Disc ID before, so it may be from a no name, cheap manufacturer. Depending on where you are in the world, try the VERBAT-IM discs made by Verbatim. I'd try that first and see if that helps.
  12. I once did the empirical research. I kept track of how many rewrites I got out of a Ritek 8x DVD+RW disc. I got 20 to 30, actually, Even less than the optimistic 100, and I was being generous. Plus, a PC burner may continue writing to a disc even though it can't be properly read on a DVD player. The PC drive may still read and write to it, but, in terms of practical use on a DVD player, it may have reached the end of its life even though it may still be viable on a PC drive.
  13. Well, about the DVD+RW DL thing, I was giving the benefit of the doubt to the OP. I just inferred it was a typo. However, I was unaware the user could select/override the media type option if the program could not determine if a rewritable disc had been inserted. However, it is a question worth asking. Were you trying to erase a DVD+R DL?
  14. Are you sure? This log line: I 21:36:29 Media Type: DVD+RW (Disc ID: CMC MAG-D03-64) indicated the disc was a DVD+RW. The most likely culprit is it's a CMC disc, which are trash.
  15. One thing that might help, but most likely won't work. There may be a firmware update for your drive, but most likely there isn't. And, if there is, it probably won't help here, but could. In Write mode, right click on the writer drive and choose the item near the bottom of the context menu to check for a firmware update.
  16. This is the one thing that stands out to me: I 13:24:01 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: RITEKF1) Ritek media is 2nd tier at best, depending on what part of the world you live in. For instance, it seems in Europe, Ritek can be as bad as CMC Magnetics, which makes the worst discs out there. I'm in North America, where Ritek is decent media, it seems, but even then I don't use it except for 8x DVD+RW since they are the only manufacturers of it. I would first try some Verbatim DataLife Plus/AZO DVD-R and see if that helps. NOT the Life Series you find in brick and mortar stores; those will be CMC. You can only find, generally, the DataLife Plus/AZO discs in online stores. I get mine from Amazon.com.
  17. The manufacturers claim 1000 rewrites, but you won't even get to 100. It will just fail at some point IF you're lucky. What generally tends to happen is the write and Verify completes, but a DVD player won't be able to read part of it, but it's always at a different part. The PC drive will still read it, but standalone DVD players are more picky.
  18. Oh, I meant to ask if the OP had used ImgBurn to create the BIN file because it should have created a CUE file itself, but I forgot to. If not, I was going to suggest where to check for in the settings: Tools --> Settings --> Read --> Create Image Layout File --> Either set to Auto or Yes. The reason ImgBurn opened when you double clicked on the CUE file is the Associations for CUE were set to open ImgBurn and load the CUE file for burning the associated BIN/CUE file set to a disc. When you install ImgBurn, one of the Associations it sets is CUE files to itself. You can assign a virtual drive program (I use Virtual CloneDrive.) to CUE files so it will automatically mount the BIN/CUE set as a virtual drive.
  19. You don't convert a .BIN file into a .CUE file. .CUE files are used in association with .BIN files. Now, as to how to create a .CUE file for an existing .BIN file like you have in your situation, under Tools in Imgburn, there's a Create .CUE function. Just point it to the .BIN file you have now and the .CUE file will be created for it.
  20. Reducing burn speed by 0.4x probably wouldn't have made that much of a difference. You'd be surprised at how many issues on computers can be fixed by simply trying to restart the PC first. However, in this case, I would doubt it's either of those 2 things that made a difference, but, then again, I can't say anything else that would have. As for the Memorex DVD+R DL, avoid those like the plague. They will be CMC Magentics media, which makes the worst optical discs out there. The only reliable DVD+R DL are the Verbatim DataLife Plus AZO MKM media made by Mitsubishi.
  21. Now that I think about it, I do believe you had said you'd only found those as suggestions and hadn't tried them yourself. The best way to tell if a drive is a slim or not is to use the Eject and Load buttons in ImgBurn. Eject will work on slim drives, but Load won't. Actually, the easiest way to tell was by my simply doing a search for GH24NSC0. It's not a slim model. It's a half height bay. Those large size, full model are known as half heights. 5.25" drives are half height. I also notice it's an LG. LG can be pretty particular. For instance, the WH16NS40 BD drive won't properly write to BD DL media but the NS60 does. That's why I use the NS60. I don't use DVD drives alone anymore. And I put the NS60's in VanTech USB 3 enclosures since my PC's no longer have half height bays. Dell no longer uses them in the XPS line of Desktop PC's.
  22. When you said you replaced the drive, did you replace it with the SAME drive? The GH24NSC0? IF you tried that, try replacing it with another make and model. If it's a slim drive, that could be the case. They're generally unreliable. MKM media is the only reliable DVD+R DL out there, so it would seem your drive just doesn't like them. You could try checking for a firmware update and see if that helps. In Write mode, right click on the GH24NSC0 drive and choose the check for firmware update option at the bottom of the context menu. Updated firmware might have a more up to date write strategy that may address the issue. You're probably right on track with the problem being unique to DL media. When you exceed more than 1 layer, for each layer you add (Up to 4 on BD.) you effectively double the chances of issues.
  23. As for the Logs, those messages that appear at the bottom of the program generally don't get logged. They're I guess you would call them initialization messages. If you want to isolate if your PS2 games the problem because they're dirty or your drive doesn't like them, insert a non PS2 DVD into the drive and see if it still takes 5 minutes to get past Initializing disc. If it does, then it's your drive that's the problem. If it doesn't, then it could be the dirty PS2 discs. It definitely shouldn't take more than a minute to Initialize a disc.
  24. Well, THAT was certainly unexpected. As equally unexpected as 8x DVD+RW apparently finally working, the 213 does NOT properly write to Verbatim BD-R! They either fail to read on Verify or fail to finalize due to a "Positioning Error Detected by Read of Medium." NEVER saw that before with any drive. Once again, Pioneer proves it has NO idea what it's doing!
  25. Well, wonder of wonders! Could it be that Pioneer FINALLY address this near 10 year old issue? I got a BDR-X13 USB drive to try out. It passed its first test: a full 8x DVD+RW! However, it will take a series of successes with 8x DVD+RW before I'm satisfied. I tried a newer Pioneer recently and it looked like the issue had been addressed, but apparently hadn't. I also need more wider ranges of tests with other media, too.
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