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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Is it possible to change the DOSBox software to look for dosbox-0.74.conf in an alternate location other than C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\DOSBox?
  2. I've sworn off of IOMega products. I used to use them quite often, but, only 1 product of all the ones I bought was ever worth the quality of the purchase: the Peerless. Jaz, Jaz 2, Zip, they all would die on me, killing discs. The last USB HD I had from them died on me. System wouldn't boot with it connected. But, on to the reason you wrote. I tried one of their DVD burners. After removing it from the enclosure, I determined it was an LG drive. I ended up replacing it because, randomly, it would burn good quality discs like Verbatims that would play back with skips in the audio and video on the Playstation 2.
  3. ImgBurn alone won't do the job. You'll need some kind of conversion software. The one I use is ConvertXToDVD. It's not free software, though. I don't know what will do the job for free. If you're going to use ConvertXToDVD, be sure to set the target audio level to Lowest. Otherwise, the default setting will blow your eardrums out!
  4. It's never failed me before when a DVD-9 had left over layer breaks. The Simpsons Movie DVD had 2 of them I successfully removed those. To solve the problem, I simply imported the files into ConvertXToDVD. All I lost were the menus, which were fine to sacrifice.
  5. There's another thing wrong with this DVD. The audio commentary track is messed up at the end. It sounds like the speaker is underwater. This is present on the source DVD on any player, so, it's definitely a fault in the original disc itself.
  6. I couldn't find anything labeled SPLIP, but, then again, I didn't know where to look. Oh, crap. I just accidentally deleted my whole post when I meant to just add a reply. Oh, well. Just my usual rants and raves over fuckers doing fucker things.
  7. Turns out that the edited IFO DVD plays fine in WinDVD 2011. Only standalone players fuck up on it. Why is that standalone DVD players have ALWAYS been more picky than PC's when it comes to playing back DVD's?
  8. I've noticed on a handful of DVD's that the simple process of DeCSS'ing a DVD can sometimes "break" the navigation of menus and photo galleries. What happens is when the content is played, instead of delaying a few seconds before showing the next gallery or waiting for navigation input on a menu, each subsequent photo/menu airs one after the other with no pause whatsoever. So, my question is why is this? It should be just a simple process of removing CSS, but, I've notice this happen on 3 DVD's I've read to image files. It doesn't matter what program I use, the results are always the same. So, it's a result of the DeCSS process.
  9. I think I've thought of a way around this. I've used ConvertXToDVD to put on the DVD's contents onto one of its built DVD's. IFOEdit shows no layer break in the largest stream, which would be the main feature. I was actually expecting one at the end of the stream, like I've seen before. But, I guess there doesn't need to be one. This reminds me of how Nero's Recode started randomly adding layer breaks to random positions in DVD-5's it created. One of the reason I stopped using it.
  10. Turns out the layer breaks cannot be edited out without causing playback problems. On my Panasonic, where it got past the layer break pauses, a little bit after that, the video pauses, then loops back to the start of the chapter and starts replaying it. This only happens, though, if a certain amount of video has already been played. Meaning, if I move to just before where the layer break was, the looping does not occur. If I reverse back to the start of the DVD and then forward to just where the layer break is, it happens. So, the bottom line is, the layer breaks cannot be edited out of this DVD without causing playback errors. Must be something specific to the authoring of this particular DVD.
  11. You're right. I SHOULDN'T be editing anything for a DVD-5, but, they put 2 layer breaks in the streams. Usually, my edits for layer breaks caused no problems on the PS2. It must be that the PS3 is a lousy DVD player.
  12. I came across an interesting self published DVD from a comic book artist. It was a DVD Video of original animation. But, here's the weird thing: there were 2 layer breaks positioned in the video. The DVD is a DVD-5, so, these layer breaks shouldn't be there. Only a third one at the end of the stream should be there. As a result, there is a noticeable layer break pause in the video (e.g. you hear it in the audio when the playing temporarily stops). So, I tried using IFOEdit to remove the extra layer breaks, but, my Playstation 3 apparently doesn't like it. The resultant edited DVD plays fine on my PC using WinDVD 2011 and plays fine on a Panasonic standalone DVD recorder/player. The PS3, though, goes all wonky when it hits the edited out layer breaks. Playing just stops, yet, the timer keeps clicking on. Eventually, it reaches a point where it starts playing again, but this pause lasts from 0:05:16 at the start to about 0:12:00. I used the following method I found online: Removing Layer Break Guide _______________________________________________________ 1. Find what cell your break is at in your VTS_0?_0.IFO / VTS Overview / PGC_1 (program chain). Remember that cell number for the next step. _______________________________________________________ 2. Now go to your /VTS_PGCITI / VTS_PGC_1 / Cell Playback section. _______________________________________________________ 3. Scroll down to the cell that contained your layer break. Double left click on line and input a new value of 8 as example below. OLD > Cell_?: Cell type (Angle) 0 [00] NEW > Cell_?: Cell type (Angle) 8 [08] This has worked for me many times before, but, this is my first attempt at doing such edits to play back on a PS3. I know the PS2 was a pretty lousy DVD player, but, it never had problems with edited IFO's before. So, is this just something lousy with the PS3 as a DVD player? Anyone with any bright ideas?
  13. Just now tested the formatted 32 GB flash drive with the Macrium Reflect boot media format application. It does not disable the BIOS boot splash screen and boots into the recovery environment. So, for whatever reason, the 8 GB flash drive won't boot and won't let the BIOS boot when it's inserted.
  14. I am having a problem getting one of my USB flash drives to boot. I've been using the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool to get an MS-DOS bootable flash drive. I've made my 32 MB, yes MB Datel flash drive to boot. I've gotten my 4 GB Sandisk flash drive to boot. But, my 8 GB drive won't. What happens is with the drive inserted into a USB slot, the system won't even boot the BIOS splash screen! The BIOS boot options won't appear with the drive inserted. When it is removed, the BIOS boots. It can be inserted into any USB slot and this happen. I've not formatted my 32 GB Sandisk to boot yet, but, when it is inserted into a USB slot, the BIOS splash screen appears, making me think it will boot when I get around to doing it. I've tried other bootable rescue media programs with Macrium Reflect to create a bootable flash drive for this 8 GB drive, but, it does the same things as described above. Any ideas?
  15. The December 2011 issue of PC World is out now. They kept their word and printed my entry!
  16. This reply is mostly for my note for future reference. In Nero, set the cross fade to 1 second for best results. 1 Frame or 0.13 repeating Seconds causes the same results as the 0 second Gap in ImgBurn or No pause between tracks in Nero.
  17. I tried an experiment using 1 Frame Pre-Gap and still got the audio hiccups/pauses sometimes between the end of one track and the start of the next one. So, a custom 75 Frames/1 Sec setting would do the same thing, I'd think. Thus, I guess I will have to request a request for cross-fading.
  18. Can we get an option in ImgBurn when creating Audio CD's to cross fade on tracks like Nero and I believe Easy Media Creator have in their applications? Unless it's already there and I don't see it. Using a Custom Pre-Gap of 75 Frames, e.g. 1 sec, wouldn't do cross fade the tracks would it? The reason I ask is this is something I've noticed for many years in Nero, Easy Media Creator, and in ImgBurn. When selecting a 0 second Pre-Gap for tracks that make up spoken word audio CD's, there is sometimes a slight pause between the tracks, even when 0 seconds gap is selected. If I make an image of a spoken word CD, the image burns with no pauses in between the tracks. But, if I make MP3's of the tracks on the same spoken word CD and then create an audio CD, there is sometimes, but not always, a noticeable hiccup in the audio when the tracks change. The only way I've found around this is to use 1 second cross-fading in Nero. So, I'm suggesting a cross fade option. If it's already there in ImgBurn, please let me know what to do to get a spoken word audio CD to get around the hiccups I mentioned.
  19. It's a piece of junk. I had to replace my previous 12 years of good service HP printer because there were no 64 bit drivers for Windows 7 for it. Plus, it connected by a parallel to USB connector. The point is, it would have continued to work had it not been for planned obsolescence. HP purposefully did not create drivers for to drive up sales of newer printers. So, I thought I'd get another HP. I'd never buy HP PC's or digital cameras again, but, their printers used to be good. No more! I got the HP Officejet 6000 E609a. After 3 or 4 months, I'm having to replace it. It epically failed after the first attempt to replace the ink cartridges! First, it said 2 of the 4 colors were out. So, I replaced them. When I did, THEN AND ONLY THEN did it say to replace the 3rd color! So, the next day, I had to go out and get another cartridge. I printed a test page, everything seemed all right. The software said the replaced colors were full. A week later, I tried to print a page and it wouldn't print anything. I finally got something to print and discovered that yellow no longer printed at all! THEN, the printer software said that the cartridges which were just replaced A WEEK AGO were empty! Yellow was full but no longer printed! So, I knew then and there I got a piece of junk, and, now, I'm warning other people away from it. Discovered after posting my negative review on Amazon.com that others had similar negative reviews. In fact, I learned a few things I never knew before. It was said that there was, apparently, a lawsuit over this printer or similar HP tactics because they had designed the printer or their printers across the board to add blank ink to colors in order to use up black twice as fast as it normally would. And, since black costs twice as much as the other colors and black is being used more than it should be, coupled with the fact that black is used up faster anyway, they're only charging twice as much for the same amount of ink to make more money! X 2! And they call us 's. So, HP printers now join my shit list of HP/Compaq PC's and digital cameras. The only HP item I now have that has worked well is the scanner I got a year ago. Needless to say, I'll looking for a NON HP printer to replace this one. IF I have that option. HP is pretty much the only game in town around here. But, I'll see what I can salvage.
  20. My guess is the reason this works is the same principle behind how when one stands near a radio, the reception is better than when you step away. The human body is an excellent amplifier because of its contents. Salts and other metals in the blood, the density of bone, and other reasons.
  21. I've not had an issue with video quality on ConvertXToDVD except when converting YouTube FLV files. That is, of course, down the quality of the image that the user posts. Plus, YouTube would have lesser quality files to keep the file sizes down and thus the download times down. The registered version does not have a watermark, as has been said; I can verify that if that's an issue.
  22. dbminter


    What I'm not sure of is there already was a dead mouse in the driveway from about last week. I don't know if this is a new mouse or the old one that something decided to eat the head off of. The exposed organs were too fresh, IMO, for it to be a week old dead mouse, though.
  23. I saw this printed in the latest PC World magazine and decided to try it out. It may be strange, but it's true! PC World tested the idea that placing a keychain remote control for your car against your head transmits the signal further than if you just held it up away from the head. I decided to see for myself. I walked a distance from my car and tested to see if I was far enough away that the remote wouldn't activate the headlights while trying to locate the car. It failed to turn the lights on. So, I held the remote to my head and tried again. Sure enough, as PC World said, the lights came on!
  24. dbminter


    Today, it was a headless dead mouse on the walkway leading to the drive way! :&
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