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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. You see, I was attempted at being tricked again! Turns out, the so called error is a design choice by the authors of the DVD set. EVERY commentary option that appears on the Episodes menu changes the audio stream but does NOT start the actual playing! If you actually then go in to the Episode menu submenus manually and start the stream by selecting the 1st chapter from the chapters list, the commentary starts! FUCKERS!
  2. Tested it! It choked on my ancient CD-Text CD-RW. I forget what made it. It's a Sony 650 MB like 4x or something like that. It read in the disc name correctly but displayed jumbled garbage ASCII for the track name. But, it did fine on a test disc I made with ImgBurn.
  3. Thanks! I downloaded it and installed it. Haven't tested it yet. Really should do that.
  4. You see, let me give you a brief example of things that weigh on my plate that don't have to and make me so angry. I remade the disc that apparently had randomly been burnt wrong. (Well, I can't really say that. It burned fine, verifies fine, and still reads fine to an image file. The problem is the VIDEO_TS streams on the disc are incorrect for whatever reason.) So, I spent 4 hours watching the content because that's the only way to test this particular error. To manually watch for pauses and skips in the video. I needed to watch the disc anyway as I hadn't seen it it. So, after 4 hours, I get to the final thing I need to test. An audio commentary stream. I click on the appropriate icon... and it does absolutely nothing! So, there I am thinking I've wasted 4 hours and need to reburn, use another of my discs, etc. THEN, I realized how often the universe gets in my way and tries to trick me. One of the few reasons I am open to believing in the possibility of a god. Because it gets in my fucking way! With that in mind, I knew I needed to test the ORIGINAL disc to make sure. Sure enough, the original disc IS that way! The button does not work, on neither my PS2 or any of my players, so, it's an authoring error. Of ALL the possible times something like this COULD happen, it happens at the most inopportune time! RARH! The commentary does work if you use the 2nd option to access it under the Special Features menu and not the Episodes menu. Plus, using the Audio button could change to the commentary track.
  5. I was wanting to get some recommendations for what PC software to use that recognizes CD-Text on a disc. Windows Media Player doesn't seem to do it, and, with ImgBurn capable of adding CD-Text to a CD, I wanted an application that plays CD that can take advantage of this. Thanks!
  6. dbminter

    Sony Accucore

    I've used AccuCore Sony DVD-R for a few years now. Just got a stack of them last week. My results show that the SONY MID discs are pretty good. I've had some I burned 5 plus years ago but only gotten around to watching them recently that played without problems. I can only recall one disc I burned that I had to reburn because the disc menu was playing back with skips.
  7. It's all right. What's done is done and can't be undone no matter how much we'd like to do it to being done. As for your padding explanation, that sounds like a good reason. I know next to nothing about it.
  8. No, I really did try. I knew he knew so I mentioned it knowing he'd know it and not thinking that others might not. Boy, that was long winded. Anyway, 5 years ago this Thanksgiving. But, I'm better now. Taking the proper medication (LOTS of it.) and seeing the appropriate specialists. It had been building up for almost 20 years and just reached a head then. As for the problem, it gets a little better now. I watched the DVD+R DL that was burned next in line after the one I had a problem with. The PS2 slim played it just fine. I just need to reburn the previous disc as it was apparently a fluke. I destroyed the DVD-R as it was a temporary disc to watch something with so I can't test it anymore. The funny thing with trying to recreate the DVD+R DL is the source VIDEO_TS takes 97% of the DVD+R DL space. There was a JACKET_P folder that was also added. I tried adding a Scans folder containing my made scans of the case art that made the disc 99% full. When I tried to build the disc, though, ImgBurn said there was no place to make a layer break and I should start crying. When I removed the Scans folder and the 2% of the DVD+R DL disc space it took up, ImgBurn could add the layer break properly. So, go figure.
  9. Yes, by an iHAS324 B, per your recommendation to me last year. I've been investigating a series of weird events, as usual for me, of course! I had to replace the PS2 in my room and got my first slim PS2. The first DVD-R I played in there had a problem with skipping over a section of the stream after a brief pause. I tested the disc in my PC drives and it played fine. So, I went on to a DVD+R DL I needed to watch and had a similar problem. I tested the disc in my PC and it played fine. BUT, here's where the forces of the universe conspired against me. I disconnected my slim PS2 and reconnected the thick PS2 it was replacing. I put the disc in and sure enough, it played the wrong way! So, I tried it in a standalone DVD player instead of my PC drive and it played the wrong way, too. So, the problem must be down to either 2 bad recordable discs in a row, one from one batch of DVD-R and one from one batch of DVD+R DL, or, the only other common link is the LiteOn drive that I think burned both discs. That's why I wanted to see if there was a way to determine if a disc was burned by a specific drive. I have been having problems either with my SATA connections on the mobo or the SATA cable connecting these drives. You remember my problems from last year. The LiteOn has now stopped correctly writing DVD Video compliant data to rewritable discs. I've had to use my USB drive for those. So, as you can see, I get a lot of frustrating work in my life. One of the reasons I tried killing myself. I get so fed up with all this that I shouldn't have to deal with but have had to deal with all my life!
  10. Oh, I didn't know that. Here's what's on the disc I needed to know which drive had burned it: Disc Control Blocks Information: ATAPI That is all.
  11. I do see a Disc Control Blocks Information but not a Recording Management Area Information. Either way, I didn't see a drive ID string.
  12. The topic title is pretty what sums it all up. I know ImgBurn has some fields like the application that created a disc and/or burned it, but, I don't know if it writes a value like the drive ID string, if such a thing exists. Yeah, I don't know THAT much. Thanks!
  13. This may sound creepy coming from an almost 40 year old man, but, I Hello Kitty!
  14. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=17908
  15. But, he's not burning to a double layer disc is he? To a DVD+R. Of course, the basic information in the link can still apply. Some Ricoh media is apparently pretty bad outside of R1.
  16. We have stupid laws in this town, too. For instance: It it illegal to keep an ice cream cone in your back pocket on a Sunday. It is illegal for a woman to purchase a hat without first consulting with her husband. I remember reading one about a landlocked State where it was illegal to own a whale. And one in Oklahoma, I think, where it was on the books in a city that one must tie up their car to a horse hitching post while it's idle.
  17. http://www.afterdawn.com/news/article.cfm/2011/05/19/finally_cd_and_dvd_ripping_to_become_legal_in_uk?utm_source=newsletterENG&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20110520
  18. The annoying thing in Vista and Windows 7 is that you MUST have a swapfile, regardless of size, on the Windows root directory/Windows drive, even if you create a separate one that IS large enough on another drive. Something to do with Windows's error logging. The file must be present to dump log data to. Idiots!
  19. I'm about to date myself here. Back in the good ol' DOS days, more advanced PC users did all kinds of tricks with partition sizes and attributes to maximize Window's swapfile, both in terms of speed and access. One of the most common, and the one that I used, was to create a FAT partition that was only just slightly larger than the size intended for the swapfile and to set the cluster size to as high a value as allowed give the size, format, and file size limitations of the partition. What this did was created a swapfile that never changed size, thus never got fragmented, and the larger cluster size allowed for faster file access, as long the appropriate Windows swapfile settings were applied. The recommended value WAY back then for the Windows swapfile size was 3 times the amount of your RAM. This was, of course, back when 1 GB of RAM was unheard of. Now, of course, we've got 4 GB as the cap for RAM size that can be accessible by 32 bit versions of Windows. So, my question is, what is the recommended size of the swapfile? If we apply the 3 times the RAM of the old days, I have 4 GB of RAM, so, should I make a swapfile size of 12 GB? Also, is there a reasonable assumption that even though the Windows swapfile size can still be made 3 times the RAM, would the virtual memory still be capped at 4 GB like the RAM is for 32 bit versions of Windows. Thus, should I make my swapfile 4 GB large, like in the old days back when I had smaller RAM sizes? If I do make a 12 GB filesize, I will need it on an NTFS partition with a smaller cluster size, like 4. There you have it. What should I set the size of the swapfile for now in these newer days of larger RAM sizes?
  20. It's strange. For a day or 2 nothing showed up. I even checked before my last post. THEN after I just now checked it, it shows up. Weird.
  21. I meant the link in Cynthia's post. It still doesn't show anything and just says Posted Image.
  22. Your image hasn't been displaying since (for me) last night.
  23. dbminter

    Happy Birthday!

    I've been waiting for a while now for the next birthday so I can start doing this.
  24. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=17908
  25. dbminter

    Happy Birthday!

    I've decided to post the lyrics for Weird Al's Happy Birthday from his first album. Then, I can just copy a link to this in response to people's birthdays. Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Well, it's time to celebrate your birthday, it happens every year We'll eat a lot of broccoli and drink a lot of beer You should be good and happy that there's something you can eat A million people every day are starving in the street Your daddy's in the gutter with the wretched and the poor Your mama's in the kitchen with a can of Cycle Four There's garbage in the water There's poison in the sky I guess it won't be long before we're all gonna die Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Well, what's the matter little friend, you think this party is the pits Enjoy it while you can, we'll soon be blown to bits The monkeys in the pentagon are gonna cook our goose Their finger's on the button, all they need is an excuse It doesn't take a military genius to see We'll all be crispy critters after World War III There's nowhere you can run to, nowhere you can hide When they drop the big one, we all get fried (Come on boys and girls, sing along, ok?) Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Wow! Well there's a punk in the alley and he's looking for a fight There's an Arab on the corner buying everything in sight There's a mother in the ghetto with another mouth to feed Seems that everywhere you look today there's misery and greed I guess you know the Earth is gonna crash into the sun But that's no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun So if you think it's scary, if it's more than you can take Just blow out the candles and have a piece of cake Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Wow! Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy Birthday! And a pinch to grow an inch!
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