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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Verbs or Taiyo Yuden. Just don't buy Verb CD-R's. Even Verbatim is not above stooping to CMC cheap media for some of its products. As long as the MID of the discs says MKM, you'll be all right. I just hope Verb doesn't stoop to using CMC for any of its DVD products.
  2. I actually discovered an old Windows XP tool that does the job even under Windows 7. It's called Types.
  3. Is there a way to change the icon associated with an Association in Windows 7? In the past, it USED to be easy. You just opened the association in whatever it was and changed the icon. Now, it just brings up a dialog where all you can do is change the program associated with a file extension.
  4. Can anyone tell me if the UK Doctor Who toy manufacturers listed as Character Options and Underground Toys are the same company? I've seen new series Who from Character Options and 11th Doctor figures from Underground Toys. So, can someone tell me if they're the same company?
  5. I would think a non tray loading mechanism would cause scuffs or even scratches onto a disc. Of course, Disney once claimed in one of their insufferable adverts that appear on their DVD's that Blu-Ray's are scratch resistant. Which I don't believe.
  6. I would guess that slim line PS3 wouldn't have a tray loader in it if 1.) the older PS3's don't have one and 2.) I would think adding one versus reusing the older slot method would mean making the PS3 somewhat larger to accommodate a tray.
  7. Looking for an answer to a question about Playstation 3's from any user who wishes to answer. Do PS3's have loading trays like the PS2 did and what you see on standard DVD drives for PC? I ask because while looking at them, it seems to me that they don't. That you can only load discs by slipping them into a slot on the PS3.
  8. I guess my only downsides to using LightScribe are 2. First, they stink to high heaven! I mean, surely they could have devised a much less olfactory method of doing it. The other is the label surface picks up fingerprints too easily. Again, I would think they could have devised a way where this wouldn't be so prevalent.
  9. This is a 2001 VHS/DVD combo. Before firmware could be updated on stand alone devices.
  10. dbminter


    I was helping my mother with her scanner/copier/printer yesterday. It had just stopped working. The error lights according to the manual indicated that one of the ink cartridges needed replacing. However, the unit automatically shifts the empty cartridge, out of 4, into place so it can be removed and replaced. The unit, though, wasn't doing that. So, I tried everything I could think of and everything in the manual and couldn't get anywhere. She looked at the bottom of it and that's when we discovered the problem. Dozens of ants and little black and white specks fell out of it! That was just the tapper of a weird day. Earlier, I had gone out to the shed to get the lawn mower. Inside, I found a decapitate rabbit's body and the severed head! :& There was no blood on the body or on the head and none in the shed itself. So, my GUESS is that a dog must have killed it somewhere else and for whatever reason dragged the body and the head on two separate trips and gone into the shed. The door to the shed sometimes is blow open by high winds, and the door was opened when I went out to get the mower.
  11. Also, are Blu-Ray discs scratch proof? There was a promo at the start of a Disney DVD, Wall-E I think, that claims one of the selling points of Blu-Ray discs is that their data layers are scratch proof? Is that a true claim?
  12. I think WinZip 15 does the same thing as WinRAR 4. You could also use UltraISO to view the contents.
  13. I was going to say the same thing. I don't think any DVD-R can be burned at 48x. Sounds more like a CD-R. As for Sony DVD-R, there are still some better quality discs out there from them. Got a cakestack from K-Mart that had SONYD Manufacturer ID on them. As far as Ritek goes, some Ritek media is good. Apparently, there is a difference between Region 1 Ritek and Region 2 Ritek. The only Riteks I've ever encountered that were problematic were some DVD-R DL's that played back with choppy skipping on the PS2.
  14. Googled it. There is such software right now in beta phase. It apparently does both the work of DVDReMake and DVDShrink for Blu-Ray discs.
  15. Actually, I am curious if there is a DVDShrink like app for Blu-Ray, myself. Or something like DVDReMake/VOBBlanker for Blu-Ray as well.
  16. Even Verbatim will use CMC. They use them for their CD-R's. So, I only trust them for their DVD+R DL and DVD-R.
  17. Imation always used CMC as far as I can remember. Got a 3 pack of DVD-RW from them and they were CMC. I used to use TDK CD-R's because they seemed pretty good. Haven't had one that has given me problem yet, but, that was years ago I used those. Memorex sometimes used MCC on their DVD+R's so they were good. Many years ago, like around 2000, Memorex made a good CD-RW that I still have and still work to this day.
  18. Believe it or not, Memorex used to make a high quality DVD-R! I inserted one I burned in 2003 and it still read! So, I checked the Manufacturer ID in ImgBurn. To my surprise, it was Taiyo Yuden!
  19. No, but, you have to understand that Roxio is made up of several different programs that do things outside of ImgBurn's scope. I would have to say that Roxio probably isn't the problem for this issue. I have Roxio installed side by side with ImgBurn and even with Nero because sometimes you need another program that does some of the same things if ImgBurn can't handle them for whatever reason.
  20. I noticed this: I 16:34:44 Calculating Totals... I 16:34:44 Preparing Image... E 16:34:50 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:07:21 I 16:35:11 Operation Started! I 16:35:11 Building Image Tree... W 16:35:12 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\GFF\My Documents\EXCEL\RIA\MonAmi\~$1 PPL.xlsx I 16:35:12 Calculating Totals... I 16:35:12 Preparing Image... I 16:35:14 Checking Path Length... I 16:35:14 Contents: 18,065 Files, 851 Folders I 16:35:14 Content Type: Data I 16:35:14 Data Type: MODE1/2048 I 16:35:14 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 16:35:14 Volume Label: [Not Configured] It seems you canceled the image file creation and then started it up again? Did you do that? Because at some point, the volume label was not set.
  21. LUK, do you want me to send you one of my MP3's that wouldn't import?
  22. A problem with the MP3's is my guess, also. I recently downloaded some MP3's of a CD set off of Big Finish's web site. I was able to import some of them into ImgBurn, but about half returned some error that I forget and showed up as running 00:00:00 seconds long. I had to use Nero to import them to create a playable CD.
  23. Also, it appears that the problem I was having apparently resolved itself after I installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1. I tested it just now after knowing I had tried to open a file in Read mode since I restarted my PC to update to SP 1. And, the Open dialog did so without locking up on me like it had before. I can't say for sure if installing SP 1 fixed it, but, you may want to give it a try and test to see if you still have it.
  24. Forgot to mention what LUK told me was most likely the cause of my problem. He said it was a shell extension probably preventing the dialog from opening. Which makes sense. I've narrowed it down to two candidates: first, ZoneAlarm, as I seem to recall having context menu issues in the past. I know on XP and Vista running on an older machine I had purchased in 2004, the context menu took forever to load if the AV version's scan on opening option was enabled for ZA 9. ZA 8 didn't do that. I also target Alcohol 52%. I've had a problem on this new PC I got in 2009 with its context menus not appearing when I right click on a supported image file. If it doesn't show up, I just right click again and when the context menu appears for the 2nd time, the item to Mount the image appears. Go figure.
  25. If I read you correctly, I had a similar problem, but it was on Windows 7 Home 32 bit and I only had 1 instance of ImgBurn running. I would get a Not Responding when trying to load an image for Write. If I close off the task in Task Manager and reload ImgBurn, it responds normally. If I restart Windows, the problem repeats itself. I mentioned this instance to LUK and he said it was just a vanilla Windows dialog box, so, it's beyond ImgBurn's focus once it calls the dialog.
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