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Everything posted by ????

  1. Thanks a lot guys, great job!
  2. Hooray for L_UK! and his team! Thanks a lot guys!
  3. Well, it isn't that difficult to understand, PIE shouldn't exceed a value of 280, PIF's shouldn't exceed 4 per block. Beta and Jitter values should be stable (-5,0% ~ +10%) in order to avoid a skipping and freezing disc. You are sure that you had a Ricoh dye as a Ritek labeled media? Well, I don't buy Ritek, but this sounds unusual to me since both are competitors and share the same markets. Anyways as long as it works out for you there is no need to discuss about media dyes. I am sorry to hear that, I never had such a problem and I flashed my drive pretty often. I guess you haven't flashed with a disc inside or with AnyDVD active (the latter shouldn't be a problem)? That might happen pretty often when you're flashing in a hurry or something like this. Your drive is still recognized in BIOS/Windows? Does it still support CD-Rs? Which media type are you using? Maybe its write strategy got replaced by another one? What you could try as one of the last options is using Binflash to dump the old firmware and flash a new binary file. Use this tool with care, but if the drive is really dead there is not that much left to loose, unfortunately. If you can't log-in at cdfreaks and would like to seek assistance without a new registration, simply use BugMeNot. A useful resource for different tasks. I hope you get your drive working again.
  4. No, NOT Ritek! I was referring to RICOH JPN-R02-03 (8x) media. I don't know how Riteks will perform with 2.TG but since the 3500 is a great drive I wouldn't be surprised if Riteks will go well too, although I just don't trust that dye in the long turn. Edit: If you take media scans serious - which I don't - you might check this thread on cdfreaks.com for some scanning results.
  5. I am running 2.TG for months now and it's running good with Ricoh 8x @ 16x and TY 8x @ 12x. As you might know (I am sure you do), it all depends on the media you are using, but 2.TG is definitely recommended on my end.
  6. Ok, didn't knew that. Thanks! That's a good reason. The easiest way to get this dll working would be just to install the trial of CloneDVD as Shamus_McSmartfinger has also confirmed that it won't expire. I hope you get it working.
  7. No, AFAIK the dll is not available as a seperate download. But you can install the latest CloneDVD and use the dll provided by it. AFAIK its usage is not affected by the trial-period limitation. But why do you prefer this I/O over the default SPTI when you have no recent Elby/Slysoft software installed? LUK! told me once that SPTI passes most of his and his teams tests and should work without a problem. I wouldn't worry too much about it, although I can understand that you want to use it, as I am using it as well.
  8. I don't know if it is related to the old version, but the most recent version of elbycdio.dll is and works just fine. You may try to update the dll.
  9. I am sorry, I have never listened to that kind of music.
  10. No, that was him or most likely that guy.
  11. Yes, thanks for bringing that back to my mind, I did a quick search on google and wikipedia and I remembered that I heard from that some time ago. I need to fresh it up a little. Do I need to say hypocrites?
  12. Although the Enigma was a masterpiece for cyphering purposes, I would prefer to see some online amateurs cracking some Nazi bones. I wonder if CIA, NSA and all the other three-letter-agencies poo their pants, because in opposite to former times, everyone with a computer can decode anyones cyphered messages in about no time if it is "needed" for some reason. Sure, it gets very difficult and time consuming with high-bit cyphered content, but the hardware gets faster as well and in the end it's just an algorithm.
  13. Yeah, I know...
  14. Ffs, it's a skirt combined with some hot high heels and I love the way he dresses!
  15. Now that's a mean lie. LUK! is a honorable member of our community. And as a lucky guy I met him once and managed to take this picture at our annual meeting: What a hottie! I bet LUK! has a lot of hairy groupies...
  16. True, I wonder if there are any critical bugs left, since the latest 2337 is out now for over a month. If you can get version 8 from another place, don't hesitate to get a copy as it is rock-solid on my end and saved me a lot of time and frustration. I can still find some copies of v8 in some selected german online-shops, so anyone that is interested in it should take a look now or wait until it is given away for free with a mag (if this will ever happen).
  17. Highly recommended, it's easy to use, reliable, fast and secure. But to be honest, I prefer version 8 over version 9 and so I have refused the upgrade offer. Unfortunately Acronis offers just a limited trial for version 9, but I would give it a shot if I were you.
  18. It's sad to see to where all the hate leads. And that includes all parties involved in this conflict. And it's frustrating that people just don't think for themselves and believe all the bull that is hyped throughout the media. 9/11 "smells fishy" for a lot of reasons, 3/11 (Madrid) "smells fishy" in many ways and the London attacks "smell" somehow as well. I don't know what happened there exactly, except for the given fact that innocent people died in a bloody act of violence. All the other stuff is propaganda, well, more or less. Call me a liberal left-wing mustard, but I don't believe the hype and I question authority. And I try to dig a little bit deeper, which is not easy these days. There is propaganda and counter-propaganda, there is killing here and killing there, they spin a little bit here, they turn around there, they lie to us, they lie to them, they take our freedom, they take their freedom and this is taking place where oil peak is near - when it isn't reached already - and when China is taking over the markets with a massive hunger for energy. Wake up people, this is not just a war on error, it's going to be the 4th world war (if you count the cold war as the third) and it will reach all the countries worldwide. And that happens to stabilize a system that is about to collide. As a non-believer I pray to god that I am wrong, but I am afraid I am not. Best Regards and I wish some peace in mind and heart.
  19. Vomiting loudly inside the case?
  20. My definition of a RAM leak is, simply put, when an application grabs all the available RAM for no good reason. So, in this case, it is not a RAM leak at all, it's all about the weird windows caching. If my topic title is too irritating (since it is obsolete now), I could try to change it, but I don't know if this is possible regarding the settings of the forum.
  21. Believe me, I am the kind of guy that would like to see updates rather yesterday than tomorrow, but sometimes I am concerned and worried about the health of people like you, that seem to work, work hard and work even harder. Do you ever sleep? Don't forget to relax from time to time, my fellow friend (if I am allowed to call you a friend )! Best Regards
  22. ...or in other words: w00t!
  23. LUK!, thanks for clearing that up. For a short time I thought I was completely lost, but the way you explained it makes sense for me (with my limited knowledge) and I am sure that you know what you are talking about. And now I hope that time will pass by quickly until the next version will be unleashed. Best Regards P.S.: If you will ever get near Cologne/Germany, drop me an email/PM and I will get you a beer or two. If you don't, well, then I will have to make another small donation. ^^
  24. Which chipset does your motherboard use? Intel, Via, NVidia? You will find the chipset drivers on the homepage of your motherboard manufacturer or of the chipset supplier itself. Motherboard manufacturers do often have a web-based tool to identify the hardware and support the download and installing of the appropriate drivers. You may give that a try. Best Regards
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