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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. lfcrule1972

    XP Stop Errors

    DING !!! "You have new eggs" !!
  2. I can't believe that TY's are as rare as rocking horse shit for you Shamus For fooks sake they are made just round the corner from Oz !!
  3. lfcrule1972

    XP Stop Errors

    kev was so shocked he stuttered !!!
  4. How have you created the image that you are trying to burn ?
  5. lfcrule1972

    XP Stop Errors

    Christ !! Our hardware required for Broadband is all free here.........
  6. lfcrule1972

    XP Stop Errors

    I installed a PC for my wife's friend last week - they only have dialup so it pissed on me d/l a prog from Zonelabs - reckoned it was gonna take 2.5 hours !!! I came back to ours, grabbed it via Broadband, burnt it to a CD-RW and went back to theirs, installed it and got it set up in 30 mins !!!
  7. Yeah they could do with shave again mate - it's just the itching thats a problem...... Damn !!! That's not what you meant is it ?? Ignore me......
  8. Can I ask how much you pay for them Shamus ? I see from my usual supplier that I can now spindles of 10 or 25 Verb DL's and they are also available in printable.....
  9. Oh yeah mate - it's still alive and well only now it's called "The Royal Mail" !!
  10. Ah that makes me feel better to be in such fine company !!!
  11. That would annoy me having to keep resetting it !! But then I am lazy and would happily run an app every time !!
  12. They aren't that cheap here either (what is ?) but like the Taiyo Yudens it's money well spent isn't it Ken ?
  13. I have no probs with TYG02's - best discs I have ever bought..... Burnt hundreds of em now.....
  14. lfcrule1972


    I have used both + & - Verbs, both have been excellent.....
  15. I really hope this another information release that turns out to be hype.... As for the FW update via the discs - this is what Sony do now with the PSP and its games - they try to force you to update the FW to play the latest games...... So maybe there is some truth here too.....
  16. I remember seeing on our news that more people voted in the final of American Idol (talent show on tv) than voted for your president - thats gotta show that are priorities are fucked up !
  17. God has now left the forum........
  18. That holds some serious gb/sq inch !!! I think I must be the only person in the whole world without an Ipod or an mp3 player !!
  19. I might be wrong but it sounds to me like FARMER is trying to select a file to burn with ImgBurn..... If so, it needs to be a file format recognised by ImgBurn, if its not it won't see it in the folder your looking in. If you change the "supported files" to "all files" does it show up then ? If so you need to create a file type like .iso etc for ImgBurn to be able to burn it for you. Shrink can do this as can <spits> Nero..... (I think - never used the POS)
  20. lfcrule1972

    XP Stop Errors

    Are you still on dial up mate ??
  21. It's the good half - I distinctly remember you posting the mouse picture here
  22. Well I ordered the ones above from the wonderful www.svp.co.uk - unfortunately I chose a cheaper postage option and they are taking a couple of days extra to get to me
  23. Ah - here is the list of discs I ordered....... 2x Verbatim DVD-RW (6x) 2x Verbatim DVD+RW (4x) 2x Verbatim DVD+RW (6x) 2x Ricoh DVD+RW (4x) 2x Ricoh DVD+RW (8x) Looks like the speeds are picking up a bit now.....
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