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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. You don't take days off polo - you take sickies !!
  2. Mmm volvo has been to that kind of prison before
  3. Good to see you slowly breaking the addiction BW - don't feel bad we lost snazz to that game as well Haven't seen him in ages on the forum.....
  4. lfcrule1972


    Don't worry about db - he is redneck thru and thru !! ha ha
  5. For those not into CL Football the fall out from last nights match is here.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...nal/4992172.stm & http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/4771959.stm
  6. lfcrule1972


    Personally, I just them use when testing new media to give me a feel for the disc and media ID and to check the quality of disc backups that I need to keep. I don't know enough about them to quote the pro's and cons but if I get quality ratings of 99% and low PI/PIF's I am more than relaxed about the backup. I have had some bad burns with low quality and high PI/PIFs that my standalones can't play - I can't say where the line between playability/longevity and scan results lies but I think common sense tells me when to re-burn !
  7. Thanks guys I meant to come back to this but ran out of time yesterday !
  8. Its the same here guys - those who turn up here with nothing get given more than they ever would in their own country and then throw it all back in our faces ! Hey polo your boss sounds like he made a stand here that kind of action would probably cost him a court case and compensation for distress or some shit like that Where is snazz ?? He used to put it so much more eloquently than I can !
  9. I had forgotten about taking pics of Meryl until she got really embarrassed It's those things that really make you laugh in a game and also keep you playing to find them all !!
  10. I remember something similar when the orignal Star Wars trilogy was released over here - loads of complaints about new protection but it turned out to be mastering errors in the end.....
  11. I think our power supply is 240v but you will have to excuse me I can't stop laughing at the randomness of PM's post above From power supply to hookers in two pages !!! Oh and as I have discovered a couple of times recently whilst doing up the house the shock of a live wire makes you sit down alright - both times I was lucky I had just been for a piss otherwise I fear there would have been a puddle to clear up !
  12. Sorry this is a real tricky one for this forum - we cannot offer help or advice on how to make a back up of your DVD, as this will nearly always involve the removal of copy protection. We can help with issues relating to burning of the your image files with ImgBurn tho. Unfortunately your question covers both ripping the DVD to your HDD and then the best way to burn the image back.
  13. I think that given time the games will be there to inspire you with desire to buy one tho. For instance I am already imagining what Grand Theft Auto 6 will look like on the PS3/X Box 360. I don't think for a second that there will be hundreds of must buy games but there are always a couple..... isn't Halo for the 360 supposed to be one of those games ? The PS3 will also include a Blu-Ray player as an incentive for extra sales....
  14. I like the little extra's in games - have to admit at laughing like an idiot when Wolf's dogs pee'd on my cardboard box tho ! I seem to remember getting pissed on by a guard during a part of Son's of Liberty too ! Getting told off for shooting the seagulls in the same game was also funny - shoot them enough and they crap on you !
  15. Also it's easier to buy from online retailers that list the media ID on the discs they sell. Unfortunately a "reputable" name on the disc can tell you nothing about the dye that is being used.... In the UK I use www.svp.co.uk and I have heard good things about www.meritline.com in the states.
  16. Fair enough - I think I will wait for Groundrush's mum to review it !!
  17. Yeah we could have a forum auction for all Groundrush's stuff
  18. Is anything really "unhackable" these days I wonder ? I will be trying to get a modded PS3 when they are available so that I can still play my back up PS2 games, therefore I will have to wait for the technology to be available and hopefully during the wait the initial rush will die down and so will the price.....
  19. I think that is true of most places - I look at England with the same view, immigrants seem to have more rights and benefits than those who have lived here all their lives.....
  20. I have been burning some tv episodes to disc using this media ID, RICOHJPN-R03-04 mine have all been burnt with no problem and also playback fine at the moment. However your burner doesn't report them the same as mine, below, To be honest I wouldn't use these discs for anything I wanted to keep I prefer the reliable TYG02 dye from Taiyo Yuden.
  21. Personally ? No chewy - can you post a png image of the scan for us ?
  22. I think the first and second pics are the unlockable extra's for completing the game mate and the walking box is a disguise so that you can use enemy transports to get to different missions or areas. Which game is that from ? I have Sons of liberty and Snake Eater but they have a habit of releasing a slightly different version some time after the original release with "subsistence" tacked on.....
  23. Have you tried it MJ ??
  24. I want the more expensive one anyway !! I saw this on another site last week - fell out of the E3 launch, they claim that it will still have the HDMI output but not everyone believes them.
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