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Posts posted by lfcrule1972

  1. The first was interesting, didn't really like the second as it just seemed to be milking the fame of the first and then then the next couple were dire - for fucks sake are we really supposed to believe that a bloke training with cut logs in the winter conditions can beat another who is training with all the hitech equipment and lets not forget his reach must have been at least 12 longer than Rocky's :doh:

  2. Are you allergic to Verbatim DVD+R DL's ? :lol: To me its easier to use a disc that has proven to be reliable in tests by members here rather than pioneering with different brands......


    Your choice though - good luck !

  3. bdayhumor10.jpg


    42 ?????? :faint: Your having a laugh mate - all the same hope you have a very happy birthday mate ! :friends:


    :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday:

  4. Lucky you ! Ours has stuck at 97p a litre ($7.50ish a gallon) ever since the big one hit New Orleans...... just another excuse to push it over the ?1 a litre mark here :angry:


    I hope anyone living nearby gets off light tho........

  5. I think I have the best view of it as I was 11ish when I saw it and lets face it your hardly the worlds harshest critic at that age !

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