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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Can you read on the package where the Verbatims are made?
  2. Tried another write speed like 8x or 12x?
  3. Can you post the full log?
  4. Is that ISO from a commercial DVD or some home made stuff? It it's the first, it might be part of a copy protection targeting DVD Shrink. Tried to see what happens if you select DVD-> Remove Useless Stuff in PgcEdit?
  5. Trying to read or write the disc? Perhaps it's a Blu-ray disc and your drive can't deal with it?
  6. Remove the Internet cable during installation.
  7. In the log you can see the supported speeds that your burner allows for on that media. Many times it's just Verbatim or JVC that can be burned at those high speeds. Post the log if you can't find the info.
  8. Might be a bad rip. Something in that program messed up the control files (IFO files). Think you should post your issue on that programs support forum. I'm sure they know how to solve the issue. I've never used that program.
  9. If you mount/play the source iso on your computer, the same "stop" issue then? ImgBurn doesn't change anything that should make the output be different than the source, so it sounds as an issue before the burning.
  10. Cynthia


    The ASK page is some windows after the one that you say freezes. Did you unselect the first option in the ASK page?
  11. There is a ver 1.14 of the firmware. http://www.firmwarehq.com/Asus/DRW-1814BL/files.html
  12. 1. Try the available speeds. 2. Clean the drive with a cleaning disc.
  13. The question is how many cents of those dollars the burner represent. Did you verify the burn?
  14. I have the same burner and some discs with the Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66) burns best at 4x and some at 8x. It's trial and error to know. Hardly no DL media you can burn at 2.4x with that burner. Lowest speed is usally 4x as you can see in the log.
  15. Use the latest version. It includes all the other changes. Try to use the .exe that you see in that download page. Binflash is more if that one doesn't work.
  16. What program before ImgBurn made it end up in a I would check the settings in that program.
  17. Tried the 6x and 8x write speeds? There is a later firmware. http://www.firmwarehq.com/Optiarc/AD-7240S/files.html
  18. Cynthia


    In what stage during the setup is the freezing?
  19. Cynthia


    You have a working Internet connection? Tried to disable the Firewall program to see if that one is "stopping" the installation?
  20. That wheel has already been invented. http://www.phantomdrive.de/en
  21. Use it as you would do with an iso you burn.
  22. Tried another write speed than the 20x?
  23. What would be good thing in this forum is to put a thread about this suggestion as a sticky. It's suggested at least once a week. http://www.google.com/search?hl=sv&safe=off&&sa=X&ei=fYaBTNScOcmbOLvdjYAO&ved=0CBMQBSgA&q=site%3Aforum.imgburn.com+multisession&spell=1
  24. I would do this. Also try 4x as the write speed. If that also fails - get some Verbatims. If those also fails, get a new external burner. SlimLine drivers are not so good burners as the full height ones.
  25. If you want to play the files on your player, you need to convert them to DVD Video files. This program might work. http://www.dvdflick.net/
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