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Posts posted by Kenadjian

  1. harmonic halo effect but you must consider the ampere-hour capacity for you to get a true idea of the condition.


    :blink: You forgot to factor in the square root of 2/5 of fcuck all. :D

  2. DB,


    I agree with spinner, electronics normaly have a very low tolerance threshold, Ie. +/- 5%, and because the voltage is already in the low range Ie. 12v or 5v, the 5% equates to 2/5 of fuck all. :D

  3. I used to find it was quicker to use the LG DVD rom to rip, then the burner to , well burn.


    I always find this option works best for me, for many reasons.

    It's a matter of preference rather than speed for me.

  4. and about 400 burns.

    No, I wouldn't say this was "average".


    As the boys have already mentioned, we've had drives that have done 1000's of burns and still going strong.


    I think you were just unlucky with that one.

  5. which media would you recommend ... + or -R?
    It is a matter of preference, both media types are as good as one another, it's all about drive/media/fw compatibility. (What your drive likes best)
    But I don't DARE to burn faster than 8X ... so I don't get a coaster!

    You are playing it safe and there is nothing wrong with that. However tests show that with the right drive/media/fw/computer setup you can burn good media at 16x without any problems and or quality issues.

  6. To be honest I believe that the driver didn't go far enough. If I had run into that situation I would probably be in prison right now!

    I have no doubt I would be, and I don't even live there. :ninjastar::ninjastar::mugshot:

  7. I don't understand why? I've reformated many DVD-RW's after burning a movie on them, (used a lot for testing).


    Can you give us something to work with? Error? just can't do it? what programme you're trying to format it with? What type of drive you have? Media type? etc.




    EDIT: Oops, too late.

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