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Everything posted by photo_angel2004

  1. I cant agree more. I am not against the idea of people coming from other countries to the USA lets face nearly all of us here have roots from other countries. But when a person makes a choice to leave the country they are from they really NEED to learn the spoken language of that country the USA is about the only country this kisses the butts of other languages, which is crap. If I were to move to say Germany ... I would have to learn to speak German, If I were to move to Italy I would have to learn to speak Itlian, and so on and so on. So for those that move to the usa they to sould have to learn to speak english. There is a school a mile away from where I live that is a spanish speaking school ... the school is there for all of those that cant speak a word of english by the time they are school age. The school goes from grade K-6 and in all of the 7 years kids go to this school they are tought in spanish. So now when they are in grade 7 there is NO spanish speaking scool for for grades 7-12 now what! They are now in the 7th grade and still cant speak a word of english. The school my son goes to they do have a Kindergarden that is spanish speaking only how ever the difference is they are beeing tought to speak english and then grades 1 and 2 they are still learning the english language and if they are not fluetn with speaking and reading english by grade 3 they stay in grade 2 until they can. This is a better approach in my opinion.
  2. So did you get everything you wanted for your Birthday?
  3. Your burner has a limit to what it can and cant do. The programs used to do the job can make or break the over all quality though. I have used nero and I have used IMGburn and YES I get better burns with so far NO coaster with IMGburn then with nero. Its like anything else really ... right tool for the right job. Anything you try to do on a computer is like this some software works great with high quality and other software gives poor quality. But even with the very pest prgrams if your hardware doesnt support the best you will never get the best. I would stick with IMGburn for buring video though.
  4. roxio recognizes them and i can get a good burn off of it, i think i made it with dvd dycrpter which is just great. nero image would not. just trying to figure out how to use imgburn. it is the file issue. i dropped down the file and tried all files with no luck. when i put a blank in my burner i got the write button to light up, when i hit it i got an error message about the fact that i would make a nice coaster!! do not know how to make an iso file i guess. i am sure it is my fault ........... #39;( Roxio may be part of your problem right there roxio is well known for conflicting with other programs. If I were you the fist thing I would do is uninstall roxio. (roxio will conflict with nero) I learned this the hard way a long time ago.
  5. Verbatim DL still go for around $3.00 to $4.00 depending on where you buy them. Thats per disc. I have a dual layer burner but I have never as of yet burned a dual layer disc. I am cheap it stick with the single layer for now at about 19 to 25 cents per disc.
  6. With the program you using you need to save the files as a.ISO file. If you have it saved as an ISO file you dont need to open IMGburn at all just got to the .ISO file ..right click it and select Burn with IMGburn. And off it goes. Make sure you use good media and watch you speed in burning. You generally want to burn 1/ the speed your media supports. (Although I never burn faster then 4X then again I use 8X media)
  7. do a google search for Taiyo Yuden dvd's there are a few site out there that sell them cheaper then the Verbatims on sale.
  8. I dont see anything wrong with Italia. LOL Lets face it that is where some of hotest men and best foods come from. Not to mention some of the best Leather tanneries too. Well that my opinion anyways.
  9. Those are the speeds that your media will support, how ever the general rule of thumb is burn at 1/2 of the max speed. In this case 8X media = 4X burning
  10. How large is the file? If it will fit with No compression then you dont need to compress it if the file size is larger then 4.46 gigs then you will need to use Automatic compresssion. If you are worried about commpression / vs quality you can reauthor the video and burn the main video only. There are other apps out there to shrink the menus as well. I am not real sure what is ok information for me to give you in this forum, so for now I hope that helps you out somewhat.
  11. The media your using is not compatable with the burner you have you will need better media. I use Verbatim or TY. Also you are using 8X media and tryin to burn at 1 X that is a bit slow I would recomend burning at 4X.
  12. @Lightning UK, Thanks I missed that in the faQ I didnt see there were 2 Q and A there. I will check out that link. Thaks for the other replies It did work right again after rebooting a couple of times. I just thought it was wierd in all this time I have been using IMgburn that never happened before.
  13. No , nero was installed long before IMGburn was, I also had allother programs closed out. IMGburn was the only thing trying to run. Earlier this Am I was using DVDD. DVDshrink. DVDremake pro and pgcedit. But nothing was running when I got that IMGburn pop up.
  14. Hello, Long time lurker first time poster here. I have been using IMGbun with out any problems at all for a while now. Today I ran into somthing I have never seen before: I am under the understanding that some other program may have a lock on this. What other programs could cause this problem? Just thought it was strang. Thank you,
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