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Everything posted by SPA_CE

  1. Do you have a log of the last DVD you burnt with the iso? Those file extensions are usually used by split RAR archives and can be extracted with WinRAR or 7zip. If it's not the case, then a log would really help.
  2. Have you tried extracting to your desktop?
  3. Isn't the performance the same as routing to only one server? How I understood it, the load balancer accepts all the connections, then routes it to the server with less load. What if the load balancer is in heavier load than the servers, then what?
  4. I believe it's already possible with the appropriate DirectShow Filter..
  5. Well I got it to burn at 16x. Had to enable Force HyperTuning and disable SmartBurn.
  6. So... it's not a usb problem. I didn't test burn before I updated the firmware to 8L25 and only got up to 8x with it so I downgraded back to 8L23 but with same results. Any idea on what the problem could be then?
  7. Thanks, updated and is running good. I have another question (didn't want to create a new thread) My drive (Lite-On iHAS524 D 8L23) has a max writing speed of 24x and the media im using is rated at 16x. It can read at 16x but I can't get it to burn over 8x on Verbatim DVD+R MCC-004-00. Could this be 'cause im using it from usb?
  8. I have it connected to my laptop and I don't have access to a direct SATA connection atm. Is it okay if I update the firmware on the dvd drive through usb? EDIT: I searched on google and on this forum but couldn't find anything relevant..
  9. Hi. Make sure your dvd drive was detected (Check log) and pick a mode from Mode > could be any of the options starting from 'Read' and it should be available now.
  10. SPA_CE

    Profile Feed???

    So what's the "Profile Feed" on "My Profile" for? I've been registered here since 2006 and didn't know it was there.. haha
  11. Hi. First suggestion is to have an option when added a few audio files to change view from "Track 01 - C:\full\path\to\audio\file.mp3" (Path could be very long) to just "Track 01 - filename.mp3", and second to save a few mouse clicks to be able to drag a track to a certain track number.
  12. Hi.. I recently bought a 50pk spindle of Memorex 16x DVD+R (MBIPG101-R05-01) I've seen some goood burns with these.. I popped a blank dvd in my ATAPI iHAP122 8 UL06 (ATA) And it takes a while reading it and ImgBurn's staus just stays on Device Not Ready (Logical Unit is in process of becoming ready).. Im guessing its a problem with my drive since my optiarc reads and burns them perfectly.. I didn't like my Lite-On's attitude towards this kind of media so I want to replace it.. plus it is kinda old.. I looked at a LG GH22NP21 but dont know if its any good.. Anyone know of a good ATA DVD Burner?
  13. Paint.NET 3 has an image effect called 'Outline'. This is what it does... BEFORE: AFTER: Used 'Outline' and converted to B&W...
  14. SPA_CE

    101 Simpson quotes

  15. ImgBurn So many new settings and features... It kinda reminds me of it's older brother... #39;(
  16. SPA_CE


    CRAP!! i need to log in more often. I hope you had a great birthday dbminter.
  17. SPA_CE

    Happy Birthday

  18. SPA_CE

    Birthday Wishes

  19. Thank You All! I thought the forum was the only one who knew it was my birthday...
  20. Yeah, i guess you are right. Moderator(s), please feel free to delete this thread, and sorry for wasting your time. #39;(
  21. Hi, i'm new to the forum. I was wondering if you could add an option on ImgBurn, like transparency, yeah, like adding a track bar that will make ImgBurn transparent depending on a level you adjust it too. Why? Well i just got this really sexy wallpaper.... OK, i don't have a sexy wallpaper, but i just thought it would make ImgBurn look cool. It would at least make me feel like i had Windows? Vista. #39;(
  22. I would get this one --> http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP....DefinitionVideo Or This One--> http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP....DefinitionVideo
  23. Yes, i could still click on them. Windows XP was pre-installed on my pc, but came with no CD.
  24. Well, i don't know what happened, but now i see an X instead of an image. Does anyone know how to fix this? I knew something wasn't right, so i searched google, and i found this picture.
  25. (3 Days Later) Comodo Firewall Has this. But it's free. http://www.comodogroup.com/products/free_products.html It's free, but they still need to send you a key thru email.
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