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Everything posted by SPA_CE

  1. SPA_CE


    Another video of firefox acting weird. (The file has been deleted)
  2. This is true. You can use Galvanic Forces for anything these days. As "dbminter" posted, it can be used when after destroying your friend with a hand grenade. Or also when you are constipated. But use it wisely, Galvanic Forces may cause fissures (somewhere) when used while constipated.
  3. I defrag every time i use the computer. (24/7)
  4. Yups, like i wrote on the Topic Title, "Windows Media Player 11 Final Is Like, OUT!". I downloaded it before i posted this here just in case you hammered the servers. (This did come out today, right?)
  5. SPA_CE

    mbi and liteon

  6. Check Here --> "MultiLingual Problem"
  7. Yups, that spell checking feature is awesome. I sometimes forget how to spell a certain word. It's so cool, that this word -->"awsome" got underlined while i was typing this.
  8. the latest firmware for the LITE-ON DVDRW SHM-165H6S is actually HS0E, not HS0D. http://www.liteonit.com/global/APPS/downlo...duct=SHM-165H6S
  9. I recommend you backup your important data, re-format your hard drive, and reinstall your OS.
  10. LOL!
  11. About the image i uploaded, are you sure you clicked on it to see it on it's original size? I just saw it and had no problems.
  12. To burn the files directly to a DVD, switch to Device Output in build mode. See picture for more info.
  13. SPA_CE

    Netscape 8.1

    I once read that the Firefox extensions are compatible with Netscape and Opera. Don't really know, maybe i'm just lying or something. But it's worth a try. Tell us how it worked out.
  14. If you change the booktype setting "Change For: Drive (For DVD+R Media)" and set it to DVD-ROM, you can change it back to Normal, it is not permanent. Normal(3) is the same thing as Normal. (I think?)
  15. You Can Try "Autoplay Repair", which can be downloaded here --> http://www-stud.uni-essen.de/~sddabacz/software_apr.htm ,or you can edit manually on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers"
  16. Ooops! I meant September...
  17. Isn't that update kinda old? I've been having it since September 15, 2006
  18. SPA_CE


    Google as a search engine, it's ok. Google making software program's, it's good (as long as it's free). Google trying to advertise using backround sounds, WTF? I mean, what if i fart , will it show me some banner advertising deodorant spray? If the answer is yes, then that's awsome! But seriously, i think this is BULLS***T!
  19. I got frustrated in less than 1min. Also, the song was giving me the creeps.
  20. Don't forget Google Desktop, it's also free . http://desktop.google.com/
  21. Here is some info. on Burn-Proof BURN-Proof (Buffer Under Run Error Proof) is a technology developed by Sanyo that allows compact disc (CD) recording to automatically stop in the event of an unplanned interruption and then to resume recording. BURN-Proof is a registered trademark of Sanyo. When a CD is burned (recorded), the data must usually be written onto the CD without any interruption. If an interruption, such as the opening of a new application, does occur, a Buffer Under Run error occurs and the burn is unsuccessful. BURN-Proof technology located on firmware inside the CD-R or CD-RW drive monitors the recording process. If the drive detects a Buffer Under Run error, it suspends recording. When the problem is resolved, the CD-R or CD-RW drive restarts recording data from where it stopped. BURN-Proof technology is used with CD drive speeds 12X and higher because Buffer Under Run errors occur more often with faster drives. Many CD recording application vendors provide BURN-Proof support with their software. (Hope It Helps.)
  22. if he/she/both were to change the SCSI/ATAPI device driver from Elby-CDIO to SPTI, would it make any difference while in the burning process? (I'm am so sorry for my bad english)
  23. I'll just wait for the next version!
  24. I have the ElbyCDIO, Patin-Couffin, and SPTI driver. But my questions is, which one is better to use with ImgBurn?
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