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    Achieving straight A's, listening to music, CD Burning, DVD burning, admiring burnplot graphs, etc.

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  1. I feel like at one point in time, (the very early 2000s), CMC wasn't that bad. I still have my dad's Imation CD-Rs that are recovery discs for an old state of Windows XP and hold a lot of different software from then. I believe there are 10 of them and all of them are readable. Well over 20 years old and are very discolored. Turned from pale white to a dark/rich gold. They were burned with a standard laptop CD-RW/DVD-ROM slim drive too, QSI if anybody knows that company drive. Additionally, they have only been stored in those paper sleeve covers and they're still fine. Just in case though, I made backups of them onto Verbatim Data Life Plus CDs. CMC now sucks for real though, the verbatim Life Series now has trouble burning in many drives and I feel their longevity isn't it. Though they are good for overburning like ThaCrip said in his other posts.
  2. Ah ok, that makes sense. So that correct output file size is used to determine where the tracks start and end in terms of sectors? So that's why Imgburn must need that before the burn? Yeah I figured. After posting, I actually compared the length of tracks in a music player with the file decoded size length that comes in the cue files: the only difference was a couple of frames. So just to confirm: lets say I have a song that's 3:55 in length but it's length including the frames is 3:55:23. If I compromise on only those 23 frames and put 3:55:00 as the file decoded size in the cue file, I have got nothing to lose right? I just want to make sure the burn will still go through without Imgburn giving an error. (And yeah I don't care at all about those frames, if anything only a single second, that too towards the end of the track, would only be missed.) I see, that's a fabulous system to use so that our storage won't have to keep on holding the large decoded files. πŸ˜„ Thanks for your reply.
  3. Hello, I recently created a program to automate writing cue files based on the titles of MP3 files in a given directory. I followed the exact same format as imgburn's cue files and got the program to succeed even without putting in the line of the REM FILE DECODED size for each track: Imgburn could recognize the file and burn the disc with the exact CD text I desired. My only concern is that now, Imgburn performs 'Analyzing Audio Files' each time I want to burn the image files created with my program. This is opposed to it only doing it once when I create a cue file from Imgburn itself and it won't have to decode each file every time I want to burn that image. This isn't really a big deal; however, I do burn many copies of an image and having to convert files prior to each burn of the image would be a bit taxing on my computers. (I use older machines for burning.) I think this is only because I don't specify the REM file decoded size in my custom cue files from my program. I did some more digging and I saw someone able to do it when they were creating a similar program of writing cue files with python. I personally am using Java for my program and there was no good way of getting the decoded size of an MP3 in MM:SS:FF format. However, there is an easy way to just get the normal playable length of the MP3 file using java. This leads me to my question of: Can I just use the length of the MP3 file itself as the REM file decoded size? I also read somewhere that the length should be almost the same and the only difference would be a couple of frames; there are 74 frames in a whole second of audio so I would only be compromising a maximum of a single second in audio? I really wouldn't notice that at all. But I just want to make sure that what I plan to do won't ruin the whole point of a traditional audio CD as opposed to a data CD of MP3s or MP3 CD. Another general question I had about the way Imgburn works: are these decoded files whenever Imgburn performs the 'Analyzing Audio Files' constructed in memory as the disc burns? I still can't piece my around how I have normal cue files that do not correspond with a binary file of the raw data structure of an audio CD. I feel like I read somewhere on the forum that the files are constructed in small segments in memory as the burn proceeds but I just wanted to confirm. I apologize for a very long initial post and I thank those who bother reading even a portion of it. Thanks for any help in advance!
  4. Just wanted to say my opinions here. Personally, I feel like the software is doing just fine the way it is right now. At least for the methods I use it for, I encounter no bugs whatsoever and the performance is by far superior to any other burning application I have used until I stumbled across ImgBurn. It's light, it's easy to navigate, and it gets the job done which is the most important aspect of it. Heck ImgBurn runs fine on this 20 year old laptop I have going that I use for burning and it handles it quite nicely which I am using right now to type this. We should be thankful that Lightning UK still has a forum going for ImgBurn and is still taking time out of his life to still aid us folks who still need assistance. LUK should continue to spend time with his family and maintain other things that are much more of priority than ImgBurn itself. The software is in a decent state already and I find it hard to tell that the latest version is from 2013 honestly. I am sure LUK will come back to developing once he believes the time is right for himself. It's personally his choice and we have to respect that.
  5. Ah ok, I see now.
  6. 🀣
  7. Happy New Year Everybody! May 2024 bring us great moments in our lives and I am sure it will be a great year for all of us! Stay safe and good luck to everyone in another duration of 365 days! I hope everyone can achieve their new year's resolutions and their goals! Happy Burning πŸ’ΏπŸ’ΏπŸ’ΏπŸ’ΏπŸ’ΏπŸ’ΏπŸ’ΏπŸ’Ώ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  8. Yeah I agree the old spindles are useful. How did the spindles change, I thought they're all just the same where you slide the disc on the pole in the center of the spindle and keep on stacking them? Ah ok, thanks for that. I have always wondered what that slight difference was. I know one is Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation and the other is Mitsubishi Kagaku Media but I never understood why they are both differently used for different kinds of discs.
  9. Oh yeah that's actually a better deal. I just recently got the CMC Pro CD-Rs and they come in tape wrap so I reused my old spindles so I can easily store them. Very nice feature of spindles. Cool, that's nice. I guess everything that's Verbatim DataLifePlus is considered MCC. I don't think the brand is going anywhere so yeah.
  10. Happy Holidays Everyone! And get well soon, wish you the best of health during this time of year! πŸŽ…πŸ›·πŸ¦ŒπŸŽβ„οΈβ˜ƒοΈ
  11. Ah cool. I am in Spanish 3 right now and you can go all the way up to AP Spanish which I think is the route I am going to take, You could do IB Spanish as well but I feel that's slightly off track from the path I would like to take.
  12. Ah yes, the classic. Ah ok cool, that's actually what I am planning to major in, computer science as well. I am currently taking AP Computer Science Principles and I think the course will help me on my journey. As for a minor, I think I could minor in a language such as Spanish as I am really strong in my Spanish classes too. I love math so a minor in mathematics would also be helpful. Plus, it correlates directly with computer science.
  13. Ha, that's nice. The Christmas season definitely brings back some good memories. I am actually in high school right now in 10th grade as a sophomore. If you don't mind me asking, what did you major in for college?
  14. Alright, thanks for clarifying. The pack should arrive tomorrow if all goes well and I should be able to test them. Tomorrow is the last day of my mid term exams and my winter break will begin so I will have plenty of time to play around with them. I will definitely post back here on the forum with how everything goes so anyone interested in buying CMC Pro Media will gain some information.
  15. I understand now. I have never really had too many firmware updates on drives that fixed things because I couldn't get any updates since most of my drives are quite outdated but they work. And I don't use a variety of discs. Also for the CMC Pro CD-R that I asked about a while ago, did you say they did have a MID of Taiyo Yuden or did they not? I am just asking because I just ordered a 100 pack from B&H PhotoVideo and I just wanted to clarify. I think I remember you saying that they read fine in your PS3 console too and that they burn well in your drives.
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