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About Snazz

  • Birthday 12/27/1961

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    Manchester, England.
  • Interests
    Not really got any anymore. Sad but true. Need to buy a bass and get back into gigging I think.

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  1. HI dude.... Well you see therein lies the problem, There's way too many versions to guess at. I did that with the DVD versions and ended up with none of them being complete. When I get time tomorrow I'll list all the versions on Blu ray, and you'll see what I mean. For example. Regular version 40th Anniversary edition The Version Never seen before. 1 disc set 2 disc set Extended Directors cut 40th Anniversary Edition | Extended Director's Cut and Original Theatrical Version / Blu-ray + UltraViole Link here I think it says there are nine versions. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070047/alternateversions
  2. Hey guys, not sure if this is a good place to ask this question, but a few people on here will know me from way back so I stand a better chance of getting an answer. I am interested in getting The Exorcist on Blu Ray, but I think there's about six, possibly more versions out there, and I can't get to the bottom of which is the most complete version. For example a version that has the Spider Scene in it. This scene was missing in three for the versions I had on DVD that I bought. In the end I just downloaded it, and it was much more complete. If anyone has any ideas I'd like to here them, also, what you think the quality is like. Cheers peeps. Steve. )
  3. I think Windows 8 was made for PAWS and not mouse control. It's maybe for animals and children under 5. I hope to never use it in this life time or any other.
  4. Snazz


    No, I never got caught in that only one present thing. I'd never let that happen. These days I don't bother too much, but I still get the two from those that buy stuff for me. :-)
  5. Snazz


    No, I'm still around. Thanks dudes. Got pissed threw up and all that kinda stuff lol. Guess you just never learn. DOH!
  6. I'll add my two pence worth here. There are and is a lot of dirty tricks going on with BlueRay and HD DVD. If you read up on the web you'll see both camps are shitting in each others backyards by paying certain companies NOT to stock the others goods. Now that is just plain nasty. As a consumer, I'd buy neither just because of that. They need to sort their acts out before I start to make my DVD's redundant. As for the consoles, I'll say for the PS3, a guy at work has one, and I have heard him moan his arse off at east six times now over games that he bought at weekend and finished in a matter of hours. If it was my choice, again I'd buy neither unless I intended to play on line with them. Otherwise, the value of those almost £50 games is way too high to warrant the purchase. I'd give ps3 the edge 'cos of the drive, but I'd still have to do some serious thinking about exactly what I want from any of the new gear. That goes for the consoles and the film formats. I'm just hoping my Ps2 and my dvd players and my pc keep ticking over until this mess is sorted out.
  7. I never had one of those used and recycle condom computers. I went for the ORIC instead. Here a picture and info on the later model. http://www.48katmos.freeuk.com/whatisan.htm From what I saw and experienced, the Oric pissed all over that ruberised pile o shit But just 'cos it was better didn't mean it attracted more sales. For example, BETAMAX/VHS.
  8. Neighbour disputes can cost tens of thousands of pounds. Thank fuck I just killed mine instead.
  9. Yeah, when you fish them back outta the bin, you can send them to me. :-)
  10. Seems incredible that a DVD writer can be made and sold at a profit for that price. I also noticed the BLUE-RAY write http://svp.co.uk/products-list.php?cid=255 is the same price as my first ever CD writer from about 15 years back. I can still remember the first original game I backed up and it didn't work 'cos I though you just stuck a disk in and away you went. LOL, I though it was that easy for DVD's too.
  11. I love the way you was able to knock it all up with bit of shitty wood you had hanging around that farty little backyard shed you have. LOL.
  12. Snazz

    Hi again all

    Thanks for the welcome people. Not kept in touch with the film side of things to be honest. Bought one or two testers that I heard had problem protection, just so I could have a wee experiment, but Blackwidow is right. WOW saps your life away, and even though you want to do other things, that bastard of a game keeps sucking you back in. 8th of May you say your subs ran out? That's funny, mine too. If I ever do go back to it, I want a damn bit more than just another ten levels and back to the bullshit again. I do admit, I loved playing it, and getting up extra early so I could farm my favorite ORE spots, but the appeal has gone, and the people just killed me off. I'll also want a transfer to another realm where I don't know anybody.
  13. Snazz

    Hi again all

    I'm off my two years of World Of Warcraft playing. I let my subscription elapse, the expansion pack didn't really offer much more than same shit, with a different smell, so I hope in the future and more expansions will not be so boring and easy to level up. It's a highly addictive game, but sufferers badly from extreme repetition and some bloody annoying people. It's unfortunate that it's not entirely playable solo, but unfortunately if you wanna progress you have to do that with groups of like minded people, and that's where the problems starts. Playing the game night after night for hours on end with people that have the potential to annoy the hell out of you gets a wee bit too much. So, I hope to have at least a years break. I have bought Lord of the rings online, but I find it to be ponderous and a wee bit too boring. Oh well. Gives me a chance to get my life back together I guess. Laters Dudes.
  14. Snazz

    Movie Chat

    Yeah, I just heard today that was a bit poohey.
  15. Snazz

    Movie Chat

    I highly recommend not watching this. The Man with the Smallest Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him (2003) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374020/
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