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The Exorcist on Blu Ray.


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Hey guys, not sure if this is a good place to ask this question, but a few people on here will know me from way back so I stand a better chance of getting an answer. I am interested in getting The Exorcist on Blu Ray, but I think there's about six, possibly more versions out there, and I can't get to the bottom of which is the most complete version. For example a version that has the Spider Scene in it. This scene was missing in three for the versions I had on DVD that I bought. In the end I just downloaded it, and it was much more complete.


If anyone has any ideas I'd like to here them, also, what you think the quality is like.


Cheers peeps.


Steve. :))



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HI dude.... Well you see therein lies the problem, There's way too many versions to guess at. I did that with the DVD versions and ended up with none of them being complete. When I get time tomorrow I'll list all the versions on Blu ray, and you'll see what I mean.


For example.


Regular version

40th Anniversary edition

The Version Never seen before.

1 disc set

2 disc set

Extended Directors cut

40th Anniversary Edition | Extended Director's Cut and Original Theatrical Version / Blu-ray + UltraViole


Link here I think it says there are nine versions.



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